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这是因为它们无法快速代谢可可碱。This is because their bodies cannot metabolise theobromine quickly enough.

作用——可可碱镇静引起咳嗽的迷走神经过敏。What it does Theobromine suppresses activity in the vagus nerve, which causes coughing.

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可可碱似乎能修复牙釉质并保护牙齿免收酸性物质的进一步腐蚀。Theobromine appears to help with repairing enamel and protecting teeth from further erosion by acids.

巧克力中含类似可可碱,苯乙胺,咖啡因等有刺激作用的物质。Chocolate contains many substances that act as stimulants such as theobromine phenethylamine and caffeine.

含有咖啡因,可可碱或茶碱,这些有毒物质会损伤猫的心脏和神经系统。Contain caffeine, theobromine , or theophylline, which can be toxic and affect the heart and nervous system.

运用紫外光谱和荧光光谱技术研究可可碱与胰α-淀粉酶的结合。By using ultraviolet and fluorescent spectrometry, we studied the relation between theobromine and pancreatic amylase.

迷走神经的异常放电是引起持续咳嗽的关键因素,而可可碱可以抑制这种情况。Theobromine has been shown to inhibit the inappropriate firing of the vagus nerve, which is a key feature of persistent cough.

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英国的科学家发现,可可碱的止咳功效要比可待因高出近三成,它直接作用于迷走神经,而这便是导致久咳不止的根源所在。Previous research by London’s National Heart and Lung Institute found that theobromine is 33 per centmore effective than codeine at stopping coughing.

治疗可能需要催吐,稳定动物的心跳和呼吸,控制癫痫发作和减缓可可碱的吸收。Treatment may require inducing vomiting, stabilizing the animal's heartbeat and respiration, controlling seizures and slowing the absorption of theobromine.

任何含有可可碱的食物或饮料都是被禁止的,巧克力、咖啡和茶都含有可可碱,这些能引起过度兴奋、心脏病和死亡。Any food or drink containing theobromine is forbidden. Chocolate, cocoa, coffee, and tea contain theobromine, which can cause over excitability , cardiopathy, and death.

他们在临床研究中发现,从可可中提取的咖啡碱的止咳疗效比可待因高出将近三分之一,而可待因被认为是目前最好的止咳药物。Their study found that theobromine , found in cocoa, was nearly a third more effective in stopping coughs than codeine, which was considered the best cough medicine at present.

瓜拉那是其中一种产生能量的成份,它含有一种叫可可碱的物质,其化学成份与巧克力所含分子的化学成份类似。Guarana is one of several energy producing ingredients &contains a substance known as theobromine , which is similar in chemical composition to the molecules found in chocolate.