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一些酒吧和餐厅也表示生意一般。Some bars and restaurants say business is lacklustre too.

我没有见到肚子鼓起,两眼无神的孩子。I hadn't seen children with distended bellies and lacklustre eyes.

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但是印度在实现其遥远东北地区正常化方面的努力一直停滞不前。But India's efforts to normalise its far north-east have been lacklustre.

迄今零售销售和工业生产等数据大都一直表现欠佳.So far, data such as retail sales and industrial production have been generally lacklustre.

灰头土脸的欧盟组织机构领导人既是失去民心的原因,也是不得人心的结果。Lacklustre leadership of European organizations is both a cause and a result of this loss of momentum.

新的社会民主党领袖哈坎。于霍尔特是一个缺乏活力的人,没能很好的鼓舞其选民和党派。A lacklustre new Social Democratic leader, Hakan Juholt, has inspired neither the voters nor his party.

实际上,在内马尼亚·维迪奇和克里斯·司马林的继续缺席上,曼联这场比赛的发挥依然暗无光泽,防线依旧脆弱不堪。In fact, United were lacklustre – and, in the continued absence of Nemanja Vidic and Chris Smalling, still defensively fragile.

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为了避免“精神饱满的”讨论,最好就是少一些提及那些澳大利亚运动队的呆板表现。To avoid 'spirited' discussions it's best to keep talk regarding lacklustre performances of Australian sports teams to a minimum.

一项针对新婚夫妇的研究指出,现代男性已逐渐抛弃了流传已久的传统求婚风俗,他们更倾向于选择单调的方式求婚。A study of newlyweds has found modern men are ditching age-old traditional proposal custom in favor of a more lacklustre approach.

一项针对新婚夫妇的调查发现,现代人渐渐地不再遵循传统的求婚习俗,而更倾向于没有惊喜的平凡求婚方式。A study of newlyweds has found modern men are ditching age-old traditional proposal custom in favour of a more lacklustre approach.

Hamasaki称,鉴于4-6月迟滞的市场环境,船运企业财测不佳也并非出人意料.Hamasaki said the weaker outlooks from the shipping firms was not a big surprise considering lacklustre market conditions in April-June.

后来我们去了新闻博物馆,这里要比展出美国印第安人历史的暗淡无趣的国家博物馆有意思得多。Later we headed for the outstanding Newseum, which proved far more interesting than the lacklustre National Museum of the American Indian.

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令扎切罗尼抓狂的是阿毛里在热身中漫散的行为,当时教练正准备让他在下半场替换亚昆塔。Amauri infuriated management warming up in a lacklustre fashion for when Zaccheroni intended to replace Vincenzo Iaquinta in the second-half.

布什再次胜利当选之后两年,毫无生气的民主党穷追猛打之下,共和党一筹莫展。其原委如下。Two years after George Bush's triumphant re-election, the Republicans are stumbling to a pummelling by a lacklustre Democratic Party. Here's why.

萨克斯曾公布,其萨克斯第五大道连锁店功绩平平。对该公司而止,外国代表灭删加机逢和旧的收入流。For Saks, which has reported lacklustre performance at its Saks Fifth Avenue chain, China represents a growth opportunity and fresh revenue stream.

阿森纳凭借替补罗西基补时阶段的进球的避免了失败,本场比赛他们的发挥毫无生气,没输算是运气。They were lucky to avoid defeat after a lacklustre performance as substitute Tomas Rosicky made sure of a point in stoppage time, albeit undeserved.

数据最终成为每项决策的支撑,这导致公司毫无生气、不能作出任何大胆的设计决定。Data becomes every finally to be propped up decision-makingly, this brings about company writing brush lacklustre , cannot make any bold designs decide.

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隔夜美股表现黯淡亦使亚洲投资者更趋谨慎.在贝南克发表讲话后,道指回吐此前涨幅,收盘持平.A lacklustre performance by Wall Street also made Asian investors cautious as the Dow Jones gave up early gains after Bernanke's comments and ended flat.

煤炭矿商的估值下降目前更多是与供过于求和需求乏力有关,而非因为上述呼吁撤资人士所声称取得的成功。The plunge in coal miners' valuations so far has more to do with oversupply and lacklustre demand than with the success claimed by the pro-divestment effort.

美联储官员相信,为定期资产支持证券贷款工具提供的首批贷款申请不活跃,就已证明了这一点。Fed officials believe there is already evidence of this in the lacklustre initial take-up of loans offered for the term asset-backed securities loan facility.