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这尾盛行歌直在生齿浓密的都会风行。The pop song is popular in the populous city.

他们是俄罗斯人口最多的突厥语民族。They are Russia's most populous Turkic peoples.

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在100个人口最多的城市中,22个为无烟城市。Of the 100 most populous cities, 22 are smoke free.

此处人口聚集,是商家必争之地。This is populous area, and a crucial market for business.

在世界100个人口最多的城市中,22个是无烟城市。Of the world's 100 most populous cities, 22 are smoke-free.

而本州是日本人口最稠密的岛屿。Tokyo time and hit off Honshu, Japan’s most populous island.

熙熙攘攘的城镇,悬吊着翠绿的园林。Towns in the populous trees, with hanging gardens of verdure.

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强大的瓦兰提斯,九个自由城邦里最大与人口最多的城邦。Mighty Volantis, grandest and most populous of the Nine Free Cities.

想想建造在世界上人口密度最高的区域之一的香港或是上海,电子超能塔的造价会是多少呢?The cost of all this, in one of the most populous areas in the world?

“你知道哪儿的人口密度最大吗?”爸爸又问。"Do you know where people are the most populous?"Misha's father asked.

它是阿拉伯世界中人口最为稠密的国家,开罗则是它最大的城市。It is the most populous country in the Arab world, Cairo its biggest city.

东京是世界上最拥挤的城市,人口达到3670万,而且有五分之一多的人口年龄超过了65岁。Tokyo is the world's most populous city, home to some 36.7 million people.

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小儿缺铁性贫血会影响三分之一的全球人口质量。Infantile iron deficiency anemia affects up to one-third of global populous.

这个世界上人口最多的国家,正在寻回其久违的力量。It is the world’s most populous country, now reclaiming its long-lost power.

印度每十年举行一次人口普查。The census in the world's second-most populous country is held every 10 years.

中国将与东南联盟于2010年建成覆盖人数最多的自由贸易区。China and ASEAN plan to build the world's most populous free-trade area by 2010.

无论过去还是现在,印尼都是世界上人口最多的穆斯林国家。Indonesia then as now was the most populous Muslim-majority nation in the world.

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她是世界上人口第六多和穆斯林人口第二多的国家。It is the sixth most populous country with the second largest Muslim population.

大明宫,曾经是这个星球最繁华都市里最辉煌的一座宫殿。It was the biggest palace in the world, in the most populous city on the planet.

非洲人口最稠密的国家得到的电网和一个中等大小的欧洲城市差不多。Africa's most populous nation gets as much grid power as a mid-size European city.