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他的坐骑嘶鸣着。His palfrey neighs.

德勃拉·帕尔弗瑞称她那已不复存在的服务是“性幻想服务”。Deborah Palfrey said her now-defunct business was an "erotic fantasy service".

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今早她被发现吊死在她母亲佛罗里达家中附近的一个车棚中。Deborah Jeane Palfrey was found hanging in a shed near her mother's Florida home this morning.

2000年他离开体育界,和一位生意夥伴经营一家运动管理公司。When he left the sport in 2000, Palfrey and a business partner formed a sports management company.

朱迪思的美国儿科学会帕尔弗里说,超重儿童有许多健康问题。Judith Palfrey of the American Academy of Pediatrics says overweight children have many health problems.

因为它是世界上最大的互联网市场,大型科技公司无法忽视它的存在。Because it is the largest Internet market in the world, it is impossible for a large technology company to ignore,' Mr. Palfrey says.

哈佛大学教授约翰。帕弗瑞最近在台北发表了一个关于年轻人与当代媒体,数位时代,教育的主题演讲。Harvard University professor John Palfrey recently spoke in Taipei on the subject of youth and contemporary media, the digital age, and parenting.

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这不利于言论自由和经济发展,“Palfrey说,”而且这可能会使Web2.0业务很难在中国取得竞争力。This could be bad news for free speech and bad news for economic development, " says Palfrey. "And it could make it very hard for Web 2.0 businesses to compete in China.

帕尔弗里在加利福尼亚的家及其他资产已于去年10月份被美国税务机构扣压,而帕尔弗里在自己的个人网站上呼吁大家捐款以筹集辩护资金。Palfrey's california home and other assets were seized by us tax authorities in october and palfrey has been trying to raise funds for her defence through an appeal on her website.

但帕尔弗里也同时暗示,它记录下的电话号码数以万计,可能会令美国首都华盛顿的多名高官尴尬。But Palfrey has also hinted that she has a record of the phone numbers of thousands of more than 10,000 customers that could embarrass more the a few of the US capital's high-fliers.

在这个冬季学期我在哈佛大学同伯克曼中心的约翰帕尔弗里主管一起教授一门叫风险投资技术入门的课程。I have been teaching a class at Harvard Law School this winter semester called Venture Capital and the Technology Start-up with John Palfrey , the Executive Director of the Berkman Center.

英国的伊斯兰教育情况会上报的,通常是关于正规伊斯兰学校的某些学生,至于像Palfrey中学内的世俗化妥协,倒是相当常见。When Muslim education in Britain makes news, it mostly concerns the handful of children who attend schools that are formally Islamic, although the secular compromise at Palfrey Junior is far commoner.