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但他们会疯狂地牵手么?But hold hands madly?

我疯狂地爱着你。I'm madly love with you.

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我爱他爱的发狂。I'm madly in love with him.

他们飞块地用糨糊刷子刷糨糊。They plied their paste brushes madly.

公子治已经苦苦的爱了我很多年。Prince Zhi has loved me madly for years.

既可以疯狂地爱上和所有格。Both can be madly in love and possessive.

我想是为了假装非常活跃。Pretending to be madly active, I suppose.

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他疯狂地挥动球棒。He flailed about madly with a baseball bat.

烛火在风中疯狂的舞蹈。The candle flames danced madly in the wind.

拜托,贝基,我正与华特狂恋中。Please. Becky, I'm madly in love with Walter.

孙耀威与关楚耀在台上玩到癫。On the stage, Eric and Kelvin Kwan played madly.

战斗旗在远处挺举关于发狂地。The battle flag in the distance jerked about madly.

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和讯贴吧管的不严,可以狂发链接。Stick with dispatch of the canal lax, can send a link madly.

他们在自己的世界里,在他们的卡座上疯狂。They were in their own world, madly making out in their booth.

一辆飞速行驶的邮车在公路上横冲直撞。The mail-cart of a flying travel is on highway dash around madly.

斯帕斯全然不顾伤痛和绝望,疯狂地挣扎着,坚持斗争。Despite the pain and helplessness, Spitz struggled madly to keep up.

从童年起,他一直在疯狂地爱上了美丽的鲁西达。From childhood he has been madly in love with the beautiful Lucinda.

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由于我们的后院朝北,所以苔藓总是疯长。Our backyard is facing the north, so there is always moss growing madly.

尽管你也许听见笑声,旋转著、疯狂地摆荡,越过烈阳。Though you might hear laugh in', spinning', swinging' madly across the sun.

从在罗马的那时起,我们疯狂地深陷爱河。From those first moments in Rome we were always madly and powerfully in love.