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你要怎么阻止他们?曼波?How you gonna do that, Mumble?

当你含含糊糊说话时,人们听不清楚。When you mumble , people can't hear you clearly.

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这位老妇人说起话来常常含糊不清。When the old lady speak she often mumble her word.

现在却又安静的喃喃自语,并玩着你的头发。Now mumble something quietly and play with your hair.

这就引起小企鹅孟堡的麻烦。This causes problems for a little penguin named Mumble.

曼宝实在太特别了,最终被赶了出来,不再是帝企鹅的一员。Mumble is just too different, and he is finally cast out of the community.

其中一位点头称是。“我就听不清学生说话,”她说,“他们老是嘀嘀咕咕的。”One of them nodded. "I can't hear my students, " she said. "They all mumble. "

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女子的身体开始微微动弹,并喃喃说着什么。But the body began to move, and the face began to mumble something unintelligible.

喃喃自语。如果系统无法理解您,那么,它别无选择,只好转人工了。Mumble. If the system can't understand you, it has no choice but to connect you with a live person.

我想,主要的区别是澳大利亚人习惯说话有点含糊,而且突出元音发音,I think the main difference is Australians tend to mumble a little bit and to draw out their vowels,

上车以后,他嘴里一直叽里咕噜,让我们知道他不高兴。After we all piled in, the driver continued to mumble and grumble in order to let us know how unhappy he was.

在讲话的时候,咬字要清楚,态度要自然,不可以讲得太快太紧张,也不可以讲得含糊不清。Distinctly and smoothly they flow. If you talk too fast, no one will heed you. The same if you mumble too slow.

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大多数女人对丈夫的说话最专心倾听的,就是老公在睡梦中咕哝的话。The only time most women give their orate husband undivided attention is when the old boy mumble in their sleep.

大多数女人对丈夫的说话最专心倾听的,就是老公在睡梦中咕哝的话。The only time most women give their orating husbands undivided attention is when the old boys mumble in their sleep.

写下你做便餐的烹饪食谱和配料,这样你就不必自找麻烦,只要大概指出这本书的大概方向,然后只需咕哝几句,告诉他们所有的步骤都在书上了。Instead of asking for help, point in the general direction of the book and mumble how it’s all written down for them.

我们党所办的报纸,我们党所进行的一切宣传工作,都应当是生动的,鲜明的,尖锐的,毫不吞吞吐吐。Newspapers run by our Party and all the propaganda work of our Party should be vivid, clear-cut and sharp and should never mutter and mumble.

如果我当年去了达特茅斯,我可能依然不知道达特茅斯校歌的第二段。面对现实吧,你们也都不会那一段歌词。你们刚才全都支吾过去的。If I had gone to Dartmouth, I still wouldn't know the second verse to "Dear Old Dartmouth. " Face it, none of you do. You all mumble that part.

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而乘客下车的时候总会咕哝句“谢谢”,然后在走向赛场入口的时候扔给那孩子一枚25分的硬币。The man getting out of the cab would invariably mumble thanks and flip the kid a quarter on his way from the taxi to the entrance of the track.

于是整个旅程都没有了自动广播,取而代之的是车长的晦气懒音。As a result, there would be no automatic announcements during the whole ride. Instead, the captain had to mumble unintelligibly through the speakers.

猜猜是谁站在人满为患的讲堂前,笨拙地嘟囔着“这算什么课啊”提前二十分钟溜出了课堂?Guess who had to stand up in front of a full theatre, awkwardly mumble something about "wrong lecture, " slink out, and still be 20 minutes late for their first-ever lecture?