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对于这个温文尔雅的超级间谍来说似乎不大可能。Unlikely for the suave superspy.

他本人魅力十足,生活放荡不羁。A suave charmer, he had a reputation for living fast.

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她结识了风流倜傥的齐克和性无能的纪实作家杰克。She met Zeke suave romantic and sexual impotence documentary writer Jack.

秘书美丽的身材及文雅的态度,使得办公室为一亮。The secretary's beautiful figure and suave manners made the of-fice bright.

在那同一年里,他初次在百老汇登台,扮演一个温文而雅的电台记者。That same year he made his Broadway debut, playing a suave radio journalist.

少校对他和他那美丽、忠厚但头脑迟钝的女儿都一样和颜悦色。To him and his beautiful, honest, but dull daughter the major is equally suave.

你说,这么天真的小孩,无世故之心,无机变之巧,能撒谎吗?You said that the such naive child, not suave heart, not adaptable skillful, can lie?

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我们受到了日本人老于世故的礼遇,实际上那里的官员也无能为力。We are met with suave Japanese courtesy, but actually the officials there are powerless.

温文尔雅的萨科齐,最具大西洋精神的法国总统,也遭遇挫折。Suave Nicolas Sarkozy, the most Atlanticist of French presidents, has been frustrated, too.

现代风雅之士再次将鸡尾酒视为“柔和的烈酒”。Cocktails are once again recognized by modern sophisticates as being the tipple of the suave.

主办者认为,张国荣是荧幕上一道优美的风景线,他塑造的角色或性感或优雅。The organizers said Cheung burns up the screen with sex appeal and by playing suave characters.

是“热情洋溢”的韦利,“循规蹈矩”的塞登斯蒂克还是“温文尔雅”的泰勒---今晚,你会选择谁与你一道“同床共枕”?Effervescent Waley, prim Seidensticker or suave Tyler—who will you take to bed with you tonight?

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他是个和蔼的长者,站住时靠着一把大绸伞,撑住肥硕的身躯。He was a suave eldly man who balanced his imposing body when at rest upon a large silk umbrella.

我不想让自己的阳光帅男形象丢脸,于是拿了酒,将钱扔在柜台上。I wasn’t going to lose my Rico Suave persona so I crumbled up the money and threw it on the bar.

他温文尔雅的外表本身就多么具有说服力埃他身份高贵又是多么显而易见!How suave was the counsel of his appearance! How feelingly did his superior state speak for itself!

在他温和的外表下是一个来自海边宁静小城维亚莱乔的小城托斯卡纳男孩。Yet just below his suave surface is a small-town Tuscan boy from a quiet seaside town called Viareggio.

研究表明,这些“小弟”们通过帮工的经历可以跟“大哥”学到复杂的求偶技巧。DuVal suggests that along the way, the sidekick bird or beta "learns" the complex courting skills from the suave guru.

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马曾于1986年在“亚洲大专辩论会”获“全场最佳辩手”,媒体形容他“风度翩翩”。Ma excelled as the best debater in the 1986 Asian Varsity Debate, when media described him as a "handsome and suave " man.

皮球缓缓地越过阿贾克斯门将,恰好在横梁之下飞过门线,为我们打开了晋级下一轮的大门。Un pallonetto suave just above the Ajax keeper and right under the cross bar that opens the gate to the next round for us.

当我发现我比甘妈妈有哲理跟睿智的时候,我用拿扁酒瓶的帅气动作敬了自己一大口运动饮料!Gump, I grabbed my bottle in the same suave motion as I would have a flask and toasted myself a big mouthful of sports drink!