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我俩正在玩拼字游戏,这就是糟糕之所在。We're playing Scrabble. That's how bad it is.

后来是我玩拼图游戏。My fatherwon the game. Then I played Scrabble.

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爬山人四处摸着搭手之处。The climber scrabble about widely for a handhold.

吃完晚饭后我们开始做拼字游戏。When dinner was over, we started a Scrabble game.

“来,点击拼字游戏图标,”我指示道。“Now, click on the Scrabble icon, ” I instructed.

鸡排,番茄炒蛋,白饭,芥蓝。Fried Chicken, Scrabble Egg with Tomato, Broccoli, SteamRice.

拼字游戏比其它许多游戏更显出其广泛的号召力。More so than a lot of games, Scrabble seems to have universal appeal.

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白宫会举行电影之夜,奥巴马一家会一起玩拼字游戏。The White House hosts movie nights and the family play Scrabble together.

拼字游戏节目比职业足球大联盟的收视率要高依然是不争的事实。It's still true that Scrabble on TV gets better ratings than Major League Soccer.

每3个美国家庭中就有一个拥有一套“拼凑型填字游戏”。S. One in every three American homes has a copy of Scrabble Brand Crossword Game.

有什么想谈的吗?真没想到字图游戏都能起到治疗伤心的作用?。Somethin' you wanna talk about?Who would have thought scrabble could be so therapeutic ?

而且,竞争对手也在积极地拓展产品线,抢占准重型、中型车市场。And they extend their products, and scrabble for the quasi-heavy and medium truck market.

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我的名字听起来一点也不神秘,一点也不具有异国情调,反而听着像一个绝望的拼词作弊者。Instead of sounding exotic and mysterious, I sound like a really desperate Scrabble cheater.

玩耍‘Scrabble’和‘Crosswords’等拼字游戏可以快速并具有乐趣地提升你的词汇量。Playing word games like Scrabble and Crosswords are fast and fun ways to improve your vocabulary.

妈妈玩了几个月的拼字游戏和纸牌游戏之后,我认定该向她介绍文字处理系统了。After a few months of Scrabble and euchre, I decided it was time to introduce her to word processing.

字典也可以仲裁拼字游戏或午夜谈话中出现的争执。Dictionaries also can arbitrate disputes that arise during a game of Scrabble or late-night conversations.

我开始了我的填字游戏,把所有的值得关注的东西写了一桌子。I grabbed my game of Scrabble and wrote the whole thing, subtitle, numbers and all across our coffee-table.

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得知71岁的妈妈在跟自己玩拼字游戏的时候,我明白必须要过问此事了。When I learned that my 71-year-old mother was playing Scrabble against herself, I knew I had to do something.

跳伞和拼字游戏爱好者尼古拉和莱姆西正在一边从天空降落,一边玩着拼字游戏。Sky divers and Scrabble enthusiasts Nicole Angelides and Ramsey Kent play a game while skydiving in Florida, USA.

键盘的大多数键都是纯手工瓷砖,这些定做的键盘看起来和真的一样。Most of the keys are actual Scrabble tiles, and the ones that had to be custom-made look just like the real thing.