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就在这里蜕不很好么?Wouldn't it be all tight to moult tight here?

我可没有从鹰派蜕变成鸽派。"I did not moult from a hawk into a dove, " says Mr Gates.

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这是在受感染的小龙虾将获得“停留在蜕皮”。This is where the infected crayfish will get "stuck" in a moult.

成年圣诞岛红蟹或许一年只蜕一次壳,因为它们生长缓慢。Mature Christmas Island red crabs probably moult only onceayear, as their growth rate slows.

成年圣诞岛红蟹或许一年只蜕一次壳,因为它们生长缓慢。Mature Christmas Island red crabs probably moult only once a year, as their growth rate slows.

老螃蟹觉得不安了,觉得全身太硬了,自己知道要脱壳了。An old crab grew restless. Finding himself stiff all over, he knew it was time for him to moult his shell.

要做脱毛处理,腋窝等细节部位要特别注意,这样美丽的礼服才更能烘托出新娘的靓丽动人。You should make moult treatment, especially for armpit so that the dress on the bride could show the brilliant effect.

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圣诞岛红蟹在生长的初期阶段定期脱壳来使之符合自己的身体大小。The Christmas Island red crabs moult their shells regularly during their early growth phases to match their increasing body size.

而且牠们从幼鸟一直到成鸟持续地在进行换羽,所以我们看到的很可能是介于两种羽色之间的过渡阶段。They also moult more or less continuously from juvenile through to adult plumage, so can be very variable at any time "in between".

如果一紧缩的饮食是由于在错误的时间,鸟不会拿起足够为他们婚后换羽和您的育种将蒙受损失。If an austerity diet is given at the wrong time the birds will not pick up enough for their nuptial moult and your breeding will suffer.

长期生活在热带的猛禽,繁殖期外整年换羽缓慢,在湿润或干燥季节换羽。Sedentary tropical raptors either moult slowly throughout the year, except when breeding, or may synchronise the moult with the wet or dry seasons.

本机器用于玩具、制衣、等行业的裁片及成品的杂质除尘脱毛,除尘马达的高速运转产生的引力,令除尘、脱毛更彻底。The machine can collect dust and moult for the cutting cloth and toy in toy and garment industry . Strong suction by high speed motor can make toys more clean.

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为现代蝗虫斗士准备的武器还有被称之为昆虫生长调节剂或IGR的产品,它影响蝗蝻蜕皮能力和正常生长。Also being readied for the modern locust fighter’s armoury is a class of products known as Insect Growth Regulators, or IGRs, which influence the ability of hoppers to moult and grow properly.

在氧化法去除含硫脱毛碱膨胀废水内主要污染物硫化物的过程中,考察了13种金属离子交换蒙脱石的催化氧化能力。The catalytic oxidation ability of 13 metal ion-exchanged montmorillonites are investigated in oxidative removal of the sulfides which are the main pollutant in the moult and alkali swell waste water.