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作者报告三例无名动脉扭曲。This paper reports 3 patients with buckling of the innominate artery.

神自己,却是绝对不可知,不可名,无名。God Himself, however, is absolutely unknowable, unnamable , and innominate.

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无名合同因为没有明确的法律规制,在效力认定问题上存在困难。Without clear and definite laws, it's usually hard to judge the validity of innominate contracts.

髂骨原发性恶性肿瘤传统的治疗是半骨盆截除。The traditional treatment for primary malignant tumors involving the innominate bone is hemi-pelvictomy.

颈动脉或无名动脉起始部损伤以胸骨正中径路显露佳。The median sternal incision was a better approach for the proximal injury of carotid and innominate arteries.

骨盆被认为是包含三块骨的环形结构,一块骶骨和两块髋骨。The pelvis is considered to be a ring structure comprised of three bones, the sacrum and two innominate bones.

气管切开术中发生无名动脉大出血是相当罕见的并发症,而且往往有致命性的危险。Intraoperative hemorrhage form innominate artery is very rare and often fatal complications during tracheostomy.

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髋骨弧形旋转截骨术治疗先天性髋脱位,是在髂前下棘至坐骨大切迹做一弧形截骨。Arched rotational osteotomy of the innominate bone is adopted to the treatment of congenital dislocation of the hips.

本人保证这篇调查的结果将只用于本人的学术论文研究,且所有的问卷都是匿名的。I promise that the results of this questionnaire are only applied in my dissertation research, and all questionnaires are innominate.

当然,孤独常常叫人感到无以名状的忧伤。而这忧伤有时又是很美丽的。Of course, loneliness might make us down by creating an innominate sadness, and this kind of melancholy will produce some kind of beauty.

一支是连接双侧颈总动脉和右锁骨下动脉的无名动脉,另一支是左锁骨下动脉。One branch is the innominate artery that gives rise to bilateral carotid and right subclavian arteries, and the other is the left subclavian artery.

两患儿左肺静脉通过垂直静脉流入无名静脉,右肺静脉回流至冠状静脉窦。Their left pulmonary veins opened by way of a vertical vein into the innominate vein and right pulmonary veins opened into the enlarged coronary sinus.

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近几年在化疗或放疗的控制下,进行部分或全部截除保留下肢,已有报道。In recent years, under the control of chemotherapy or radiation, partial or complete resection of innominate bone with lower extremities maintained has been reported.

锁骨下窃血现象是向于锁骨下动脉或无名动脉近端阻塞,引起同侧脊堆动脉血液逆流所导致。The subclavian steal phenomenon results from occlusion of the proximal subclavian or innominate artery that causes reversal of blood flow in the ipsilateral vertebral artery.