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所以,师父说我很不合群。So, my master said, I am unsocial.

所以我要工作非常的时段。So I have to work very unsocial hours.

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在个人或社会行为上的约束。Personal disorganization resulting in unsocial behavior.

我很兴奋,但是在佛蒙特的年月让我变得不擅长交际。I was happy, but those years in Vermont had made me an unsocial type.

“低碳不社交”实在是一种大众误解。It’s quite a common misconception that minimalists live unsocial lives.

我们应当重视对额外加班发高额奖金。We should emphasize the large extra bonus for working in unsocial hours.

造成幼儿不合群的原因很多,要针对原因找出纠正、教育的措施。Unsocial children caused by many reasons, we should find out the correct reason, education measures.

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但是你必须同等地避免奉承人们又不因他们而生出烦恼,因为两者都是反社会和导致的。But thou must equally avoid flattering men and being veied at them, for both are unsocial and lead to harm.

用达伦多夫的偶像伊曼努尔·康德的话来说,惟有人的“非社会的社交性”才能刺激社会走向进步。Only man's "unsocial sociability", in the words of one of his heroes, Immanuel Kant, could sting society towards progress.

不合群的人应屡清自己与他人的关系,试着接纳周围人交往习惯,学会欣赏别人。Unsocial people should repeatedly clear their relations with others, try to accept the people around communication habits, learn to appreciate others.

虽然冲浪几乎是一个不合群的活动,人是社会动物,以及各种流行的解决方案,提供互动联系,从某种意义上讲社区加强这一点。While surfing is pretty much an unsocial activity, people are social creatures and the popularity of all types of solutions offering interactive contact and a sense of community reinforces this.