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就让我在火中重生!Let me renascence in the fire!

去创造最后复活的奇迹。To create her last renascence.

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后来才知道原来重生了…Just know original renascence later.

我们也可以期待,看百度如何“浴火重生”。We also can expect, see Baidu how " bath fire renascence ".

我们认为改革是必要的,但目标却是为了复兴。We do think reformation necessary, but our goal is renascence.

有没有比神气药笔更神气的东西可以让头发重生?Have perkier than perky medicine pen thing to you can let hair renascence?

但是所有的个体的复活和重生,就只能以自我全新的选择为前提。While, both revival and renascence are based on the new choice made by ourselves.

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当阳光普照大地的时候,一个新的循环就开始了,这就是所谓的新生。When the sunlight comes to the earth, another cycle begins. That is also called the renascence.

文本解释必须尊重客观存在,控制在接近文本重生意义的范围内。Text explanation must respect external existence, and keep it be in accordance with text renascence.

正是在电影结构不断的调整和更新中,电影的艺术生命才不断获得重生。The artistic life of films has always attained renascence just in the incessant adjustment and renewal of the construction of film.

我国教育市场留下的空缺,使得民办教育得以重生与发展。There is some opening left over in our country's education market, which has brought up the renascence and development of the private education.

他是那个团体的核心,他们似乎几近于有意识地努力复兴各个方面,这个复兴我们今天看到了。He was the centre of the group who seem to have been almost consciously striving to bring about from every side the renascence which we see to-day.

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可以无所不能,可以更贴近生活,创造的结果是耗尽全部后的重生,视线和光线的落差好似每个休止音符在跳动,无限升华,无限体验。The result of creation is renascence after exhausting, the fall of eyesight and beam is like jumping of every silent note, and it is sublimation and taste.

中国想实现国民经济快速增长,全面建设小康社会,以及中华民族伟大复兴的宏伟目标,面临着严峻的能源挑战。China must face the flinty challenge of energy in rapid growth of country economy, complete construction of moderately prosperous society and grand renascence of Chinese nation.

中华文艺复兴是振兴中华民族、开启民族新时代、重振民族辉煌的重要途径。Chinese renascence is an important means for the national revitalization, for the opening of a new era for the nation, and for the reconstruction of the splendor for the nation.

鹰的重生,实际上是一个企业适应国际化的环境,是一个自然的蜕变,是一种新的能力的建立,还在这个过程当中。Accipitral renascence , it is the environment that a business fits internationalization actually, it is a natural decay, be a kind of new capacity build, still be among this process.

具体可以采用功能置换、外部空间更新及建筑内部改造方法来实现对绿地内旧建筑的改造。In detail, functional transformation, renovation of external space and updating the internal can be used as access in this process of giving renascence to the old buildings in the green space.