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给我一个直截了当的答复。To this the unthinking will give an off-hand answer.

想了一会儿,她还是没有什么头绪,便将笔咬在嘴里。After an unthinking moment, she put the pen into her mouth.

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尽管孰能生巧,却也会做出未经考虑的机器人行为。Although practice makes perfect, it can also make an unthinking robot.

你是对的,我的国家值得我不加思考与无条件地支持。You're right, my country deserve my unthinking and unquestioning support.

自己一时嘴快,竟然把这话都说出来了。Oneself was all temporarily unthinking remark, unexpectedly spoke this words.

当这些形容词都表不加思考的鲁莽的意思时,常把它们进行比较。These adjectives are compared as they mean given to or marked by unthinking boldness.

绵羊是一种愚钝没有思想的动物,它们的很多行为直接导致了当地生态环境的毁灭。Sheep are crass unthinking creatures and they've done a lot to destroy the local habitat.

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而支撑这一切的是轻松愉快,盲目乐观主义,认为价格只会不断上涨。And underneath it all was a breezy, unthinking optimism , that prices could only ever go up.

我们实际上一直在实行一种不假思索的、片面的教育裁军。We have, in effect, been committing an act of unthinking , unilateral educational disarmament.

我们实际上已做出了轻率的、单方面的教育裁军行动。We have, in effect. been committing an act of unthinking , unilateral educational disarmament.

不思考的公众很容易被电视对现实的错误描绘引入歧途。The unthinking public are easily led astray by the false picture of reality given in television shows.

一是以没脑子或坏心肠的西方政治家为首的某种国际反攻。One would be some kind of international counterattack, led by unthinking or malevolent Western politicians.

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人际冲突则包含了很多内容,从同事粗鲁的不经大脑的举动到赤裸裸的恃强凌弱,都属于这个范畴。Interpersonal conflict covers anything from rude or unthinking behaviour by co-workers up to all-out bullying.

相反,新的偏见就像旧的偏见一样,会成为引导那些没有思想的芸芸众生的缰绳。Instead, new prejudices, just like the old ones, will serve as the guiding reins of the great, unthinking mass.

让我们使我们的共和主义事业不要因被贴上盲目和愚钝的标签而徒劳无获。And let our Republicanism, so focused and so dedicated, not be made fuzzy and futile by unthinking and stupid labels.

内阁大臣们首先应该质问的是对于大公司和超级富豪不分青红皂白的依赖。The first thing that is needed is for ministers to start questioning the unthinking dependence on big business and the super-rich.

在对“人能从工作和爱情中发现幸福”的确信中,小心地缠绕着一种无理性的残酷。There is immense unthinking cruelty discreetly coiled within the assurance that everyone can discover happiness through work and love.

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这要从接受不确定性及不要求未经思考地固守著「既定计画」的管理心态与组织文化开始。This starts with a management mindset and organisational culture that accepts uncertainty and does not demand unthinking adherence to "The Plan".

通过分析,引发故障的原因主要是碳刷架、集电环绝缘结构设计欠妥、运行环境恶劣以及机组的振动过大。According to the analysis. The reason that caused the breakdown mainly came from the carbon brush, the unthinking insulating structure design, the bad working environment and too much vibration.

这些陈词滥调显然缺乏足够的考虑,最近甚至有人将国家公园护林员称为“英雄”,可能是因为他们也穿着制服吧。So unthinking has the platitude become that someone referred to national park rangers on public radio recently as “heroes” — reflexively, in passing — presumably since they wear uniforms, as well.