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天使的羽毛降落在我的面前。The cherubic feather falls in my front.

期待你,盼望你,幸福的过每一时分。I like to look at you simple cherubic smile.

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而其他女性得到的则是这位可爱大厨刮得很干净的面颊,一次或者两次。The rest get the cherubic chef's neatly shaved cheek, once or twice.

哪个F号房里的天真的小宝贝把调味酱弄倒在董事身上?One of the cherubic little babes in her own room F 'sauced' a Trustee?

你认为小小天使神色,像那些斑点星期日教材?Do you think of tiny cherubic angels, like the ones that dot Sunday school materials?

我喜欢看你单纯无邪的笑容,我喜欢看你流露出天使般的善良。I like to look at you simple cherubic smile. I like to look at you showing your kindness as the angel.

所罗门女士指出,她胖乎乎的而天真无邪,看似诚实,其实用“幽默作托词,亲密作烟幕”。Cherubic and deceptively guileless, she used "humour as a dodge, intimacy as a smoke screen", Ms Salomon notes.

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唐纳休身材短粗,有一张娃娃脸,看上去比他四十九岁的年龄要年轻一些。In appearance, Donahue was stocky, and had a cherubic face which made him look younger than the forty-nine he was.

他那圆圆的娃娃脸很难让人与他钢铁般的意志联系起来。他在中国广袤的土地上开启了现代史上最不寻常的变革。His round, cherubic face belied a will of steel that had launched his vast land on the most remarkable transformation of the modern age.

我从厨房窗户喊她的名字,她冲我天真地笑了笑,用她的脚尖捅了他一下,就这样,他就会领悟到她心里在想些什么。I called her name from the kitchen window, and she smiled a cherubic smile and poked him with her toe, just so he'd know what was on her mind.

从前,有一个很美丽的传说,蝴蝶是天使的身,当它落在你的身上,会带给你好运。Formerly, reach an is very beautiful legend. The butterfly is a cherubic incarnation, and be our fall at the body that you, and can take your good luck.

而澳大利亚的一切都如同那里碧蓝高远的天空,和始终洋溢在当地人脸上明媚无邪的微笑一样,真真切切。And everything Australian as over there the sky of dark blue Gao Yuan, and be permeated with from beginning to end be in on local face like beautiful and cherubic smile, true true be sure to.

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在精致的直纹线条麻纱上,粗细齐一的镂空间隙不经意地小露肌肤,流露完美无邪的气质!On yarn of ramie of delicate straight lines lines, degree of finish is neat small dew of unoccupied place casual ground skins between the hollow out of one, reveal perfect and cherubic temperament!