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记住把你的棉衬裤换成蕾丝。Change out of your cotton panties into a lacy thong.

我把我的肉体涌进漩涡,让它漂浮在花边状的裂缝中。I effuse my flesh in eddies, and drift it in lacy jags.

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虔诚的天主教徒用带花边的黑色围巾围住头部。The most devout covered their heads with black, lacy scarves.

将你的蕾丝内裤系到你男朋友小弟弟的下部。Tie your lacy underwear around of the base of your guy’s penis.

裸树把它的花边肖像投射到中国北京的昆明湖里。Bare trees cast lacy likenesses on Kunming Lake in Beijing, China.

她的风格体现在极度小女人柔弱上,装饰满是珍珠和蕾丝的配饰。Her style is ultra-feminine, with lots of pearls and lacy details.

她穿的是蕾丝边的短裙,里面是肉色的底裤。They’re lacy short dresses with a pair of flesh-colored underpants.

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灰色装饰图案在淡色玻璃上用可''。'玻'。''''。'化'。''颜料绘成并经烧结后形成的花边图案。A lacy pattern painted on light glass with vitrifiable paint and fired.

有些人威廉莱西斯与女性,有些一样,条例草案布拉斯'很简单,和正常的。Some were lacy and feminine, some, like Bill Blass' were simple and normal.

在这种蝴蝶卵上,花边图案表示精子进入的卵孔。On this butterfly egg, the lacy pattern marks the micropyle, where sperm enters.

优美如丝带般的海绵参杂著如伯尔德大小、像宝石般柠檬黄的海绵。Delicate, lacy sponges mingle with brilliant, lemon-yellow sponges the size of boulders.

我把馅子舀上,学着妈妈的样子,给饺子捏上“花边”。I put on XianZi ladle, to learn the mother of appearance, give dumplings knead on "lacy".

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为了解患有卵巢囊肿综合症的女性的生活,我们的记者安娜•蕾茜采访了她的妹妹丽贝卡。Our reporter Anna Lacy went to speak to her sister Rebecca about life with polycystic ovaries.

吉雅莎故意对莱西恶言恶语,对娜诺却关爱有加,进一步加深两人的矛盾。JiYaSha deliberately to lacy nasty, to her, but love, to further deepen the two contradictions.

你可以找到曼联专卖店,挑选从珠宝首饰到花边吊袜带的众多商品。You can hit the Manchester United megastore, and look at anything from jewelry to lacy garters.

在新西兰的科罗曼德森林公园里,桫椤树婆娑的身影映衬在繁星满天的夜空下。Tree ferns cast lacy contours against a star-speckled sky in Coromandel Forest Park, New Zealand.

今天我真空穿了一条蕾丝睡裙,满不在乎的的走进客厅。Today, I put on a lacy dress with nothing underneath and walked nonchalantly into the living room.

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对于鞋,她选择了一个高鞋跟鞋,黑色带白色花边的袜子,以匹配鞋。For the shoes she selected a high-heel black strap shoes and white lacy stockings to match the shoes.

加拿大——安大略湖畔的乡间草地,飞蛾扑向灯光,舞动的翅膀在仲夏夜空中留下花边似的轨迹。Canada—Fluttering wings leave lacy trails as moths beat their way to a floodlight on a rural Ontario lawn.

遁逸号上有带花饰的白色阳台,我觉得好像海怪婚宴上的蛋糕。With its lacy white balconies, the Escape looked to me like the cake for a Leviathan's destination wedding.