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阴蒂脚坚硬而伸长。The legs stiffen and elongate.

她的工作是把亚麻布浆洗硬了。Her job is to stiffen linen with starch.

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你的工作是把亚麻台布浆洗硬了。Your job is to stiffen linen with starch.

这一形状可以帮助玻璃减少风的负荷。The shape helps stiffen the glass against wind loads.

一个叫史蒂芬逊的英国人在1825年发明了火车。In 1825, an Englishman called Stiffen invited the train.

木质化足以使细胞变硬和增强。This lignification serves to stiffen and strengthen the cells.

温度下降时,这种润滑脂不会变稠。This sort of grease could not stiffen when the temprature drops.

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玻璃也将变硬泡沫,使棒将不会挖掘到它。The glass will also stiffen the foam so that the rod won't dig into it.

用胶水使丝带的两端变硬,可以让孩子们在穿洞的时候更容易些。Glue the ends of the ribbons to stiffen them up and make threading easier.

为此,你们要心受割损,不要再执拗。Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and stiffen your neck no more.

每当她的训练员带她走进一座建筑时,她总是四肢绷紧不肯前行。When her handlers tried to take her into a building, she would stiffen her legs and resist.

他是个一旦被提到就令天行者站姿僵硬,表情纠结的士兵。He was a solider whose mere mention would cause Skywalker's back to stiffen and face to scowl.

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千万不要固执你的行为,不要为了那僵硬的臭规矩、怪理念,削足适履。Never stiffen your idea and never act in a Procrustean way for the stale regulations and queer ideas.

他能够在需要时加强中场的硬度,又或者在需要进球时用杰梅·迪福换下赫斯基或者鲁尼。He can stiffen midfield if required or exchange Jermain Defoe for Heskey, or Rooney, if goals are needed.

很多入会在船边探出头,对塑像规模之大惊叹不已,竟然看得连自己的脖子都巍然不动了。Many would stick their heads over the edge of the ship and stiffen in amazement at the size of the statue.

别国的人用更烈性的东西来增强体力,但英国人的体质却只需要茶。While other people stiffen their sinews with something stronger, the English constitution merely demands tea.

使你的核心和腹部的肌肉坚硬在一个中立的位置放置你的背骨,避免任何过度的下垂或成弓形弯曲。Stiffen your core and abdominal muscles to position your spine in a neutral position, avoid any excessive sagging or arching.

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里斯本条约改革能否让欧洲挺直腰干并推进这一不太可能却令人向往的前景,现在下结论还为时尚早。It's too soon to say whether the Lisbon treaty reforms will stiffen backbones and advance this unlikely but desirable prospect.

很多这些成分都是氧化剂,能产生自由基导致红肿发炎和血凝块增多从而引发心脏动脉硬化。Many of these are oxidants that generate the free radicals that promote inflammation and blood clots that stiffen heart arteries.

是北京的激进行为强化了河内反对直接与华盛顿对话的立场,然后导致了波兰主动试探的失败吗?Did the radicalization in Beijing stiffen Hanoi's resistance to direct talks with Washington, thereby dooming the Polish initiative?