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见见她。See her.

有负于她。Fail her.

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她的职业。Her career.

讨厌死她了。I hated her.

我取笑他。I tease her.

逗弄她。Teasing her.

来看阿嬷!Come see her.

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他面对着她。He faced her.

她的皮草外套。Her fur coat.

她的弱点?Her weakness?

爱抚她的头发。Pet her hair.

你认识她?You know her?

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我可以看她一眼吗?Can I see her?

把她灌醉。Get her drunk.

上帝保佑她。God bless her.

为她感到高兴?Happy for her?

他给她打电话。He phoned her.

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抱紧她!Hold her firm!

我娶她妻。I married her.

我谢了她。I thanked her.