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为期一整个礼拜的旅程中,你只会经过一个村庄。You only pass by on village on the entire weeklong trip.

当然了,5年前你去爱尔兰岛一个星期的旅游并不能证明什么。That weeklong trip you took to Ireland five years ago won't cut it.

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冯姐在中国的行程有整整一周。Early that day, during what was a weeklong trip to China, she visited Mr.

对中国人来说,为期一周的春节长假是出游的黄金周。The weeklong holiday for Spring Festival is a golden travel season for Chinese people.

学习如何解读他人是一个长期的过程,一周的短训并不能奏效。Learning how to read people must occur over time — a weeklong crash course won't cut it.

带着春天的冲动,带着悠长的假期,五月总是一个谈婚论嫁的好时段。May has always been the best time for the wedding, with spring fever and a weeklong holiday.

过往庆典长达一星期,当所有祭祀都完成后,最后一个项目就是抢包山。In the past , the last event of this weeklong celebration was the climbing of the bun towers.

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他们三人将在卢和马伦岑科做完为期一周的太空旅行之后乘坐另一艘Soyuz宇宙飞船返回地球。The trio will return to Earth in early May on another Soyuz after giving Lu and Malenchenko a weeklong tour.

火箭队在常规赛开始前2周启程去了中国进行2场为期1周的表演赛。The Rockets embarked on a weeklong trip to China for two exhibition games two weeks before the regular season.

速成班结业后,伦敦还将开设一系列为期一周的"王妃夏令营",招生对象为8-11岁的女孩,学费高达4000多美元。The one-day course will be followed by a series of weeklong summer camps in London for 8- to 11-year-old girls.

1968年4月24日,纽约哥伦比亚大学的左翼学生对校园内的部分建筑物进行了为时一周的占领。Leftist students at Columbia University in New York City began a weeklong occupation of several campus buildings.

可惜这样的进步并没有波及到中国的其它媒体,它们对这次文化周只字未提。The progress did not extend to the country’s Chinese press, however, which made no mention of the weeklong festival.

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在长达一周的会议期间,其它几家手机制造商用这种或那种方式介绍了自己的手机配置。During the weeklong conference here, several other major phone makers have introduced devices with one quirk or another.

为期一周的国庆节假期作为中国两个最长的假期之一,已经成为最流行的结婚时间。The weeklong National Day Holiday, one of the two longest holidays in China, has become the most popular time for weddings.

现在,我老化的身体和对于家庭的爱促使我从一个月的重装健行减少为更容易处理的为期一周的远足。These days, my aging body and love of family have conspired to reduce my month-long slogs into more manageable weeklong excursions.

“吉米和罗莎琳•卡特工作计划”是仁人家园的一个标志性活动,但仁人家园的工作并不限于这一个星期。The Jimmy & Rosalynn Carter Work Project is Habitat for Humanity’s signature event, but work does not end after each weeklong effort.

虽然消费者在假期之前的购车量会增加,但在长达一周的假期期间,销量会减少。Though consumers buy more vehicles in the lead-up to the holiday, sales slow during the weeklong break, which was in January last year.

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自1984年以来,卡特夫妇每年都要前往世界不同地区,开展为期一周的仁人家园建房项目。Every year since 1984, the Carters have traveled to different parts of the world for a weeklong building project with Habitat for Humanity.

官方要求把伴有感冒症状的抵达旅客向他们汇报,并对部分旅客实习了为期一周的医学隔离。Authorities require arriving travelers with flu-like symptoms to report themselves and have placed some travelers under weeklong quarantines.

世界粮食计划署东亚地区负责人托尼。班伯里刚刚结束了的一周之行。他说,他在那里看到营养不良的现象普遍存在。Tony Banbury, the WFP's regional director for Asia, just finished a weeklong tour of North Korea, where he says malnourishment is widespread.