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我知道他是个代罪羔羊。I know he is the scapegoat.

出错时她总要代人受过。She's always the scapegoat when anything goes wrong.

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罢工领导人极力把外国竞争者作为替罪羊,在他们开办的工厂内举行罢工。Strike leaders tried to scapegoat foreign competitors.

你不能踩着别人肩膀,就只能做他人垫背。You can't step on others, can only do others scapegoat.

还有被当成替罪羔羊死了的灵犀!Still be looked died as the scapegoat of go properly Xi!

古代宗教狂热的本质,就是代罪羔羊的机制。The essence of archaic religiosity is the scapegoat mechanism.

连正在成长的孩子们也常常成为这种迁怒的“受气筒”。Even the growing children often become such a"scapegoat" for vent.

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你不能踩着别人肩膀,就只能做他人垫背。You cannot step on others shoulders, can only do others scapegoat.

中国的出口贸易有可能会再次成为替罪羊。China’s export engine once again looks like an appealing scapegoat.

我才刚刚假释耶,不想莫名其妙的变成你的代罪羔羊。I just get my parole, and do not want to be your scapegoat somehow.

中国政府认为,美国只是在寻找一个替罪羔羊而已。Chinese officials say Washington is simply searching for a scapegoat.

他就是德国空军各次败绩的替罪羊。He had been made the scapegoat for all the failures of the Luftwaffe.

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一个人面对逆境仍然保持微笑,他大概已经找好了个替罪羊。A person who smiles in the face of adversity probably has a scapegoat.

但我怀疑,核武器不过是我们害怕的替罪羊。But I suspect that the nuclearweapon is only the scapegoat for our fears.

他声称自己成了行政管理失败的替罪羊。He clamed he had been made a scapegoat for the administration's failures.

她将会抢你的功劳,并让你为她的失败承担责任。She will take credit for your successes and scapegoat you for her failures.

不可否认,少数产品的确存在质量问题,让大多数价廉质优的产品代其受罪。So that, make most of the cheap products with good quality as their scapegoat.

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为了开脱宋押司硬是要把他做替罪羊。For absolving Song escort department want and the scapegoat are made by him actually.

古代中越交往中,越南曾向中国贡献一种特殊贡品“代身金人”。In the ancient days, Vietnam once sent a kind of special tribute, "golden scapegoat", to China.

难以置信的法国球员陷入崩溃,保加利亚人肆意庆祝,霍利尔则抓了只替罪羊。The French players collapsed in disbelief, Bulgarians rejoiced and Houllier sought a scapegoat.