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垂直腿紧缩工程腹直肌。Vertical leg crunch works the rectus abdominis.

术中不切断股直肌的起点,减少损伤。To decrease the damage, don't excise rectus femoris.

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腹直肌使躯干向大腿方向。The rectus abdominus bends the trunk toward the thigh.

腹直肌将胸腔拉向盆腔的方向。The rectus abdominus, tethers the rib cage to the pelvis.

腹直肌使躯干前弯向直腿。The rectus abdominus bends the trunk over the straight leg.

腹直肌血肿是气喘病的一种罕见的并发症。Hematoma of the rectus sheath is a rare complication of asthma.

电脑断层与核磁共振皆显示右侧内直肌增大。CT scans and MRI showed enlargement of right medial rectus muscle.

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在腹直肌切口外侧切开肌肉和筋膜层。The muscle and fascial layers are incised lateral to a rectus incision.

腹直肌前鞘翻转成形可补充修补巨大缺损。In case of big defect, anterior rectus sheath flap was placed in addition.

股直肌的返折头有时也予以松解以改善显露。The reflected head of the rectus femoris is also sometimes released to improve exposure.

在追踪检查期间,37眼中9眼接受水平眼直肌斜视手术。During the follow-up period, 9 of the 37 eyes underwent horizontal rectus muscle operation.

目的探讨在无上直肌固定缝线的情况下行人工晶状体植入术。Objective To probe intraocular lens implantation without the fixed suture of superior rectus.

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胶原纤维的白线和腹直肌鞘。一,总体方案和形态学方面的问题。Collagen fibers in linea alba and rectus sheaths. I. General scheme and morphological aspects.

如果仔细进行,THA前入路的常规显露很少发生股直肌的损伤。If performed carefully, minimal damage to the rectus will occur with routine exposure for DAA THA.

结论外直肌与上、下直肌联合术可使眼球有一定的外展功能。Conclusion The muscle union of lateral, superior and inferior rectus make eyeball move abductively.

选用狗的腹直肌为模式,实验分为两部份进行。第一部份,骨骼肌内的动脉形态研究。The parameters of the normal pattern of the arterial bed of the musculus rectus abdominis was given.

作为关节囊显露的一部分,股直肌的纤维由前关节囊上掀起。As part of the capsular exposure, fibers of the rectus femoris are elevated off the anterior capsule.

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采用调查表,运动测试和腹直肌形态CT扫描作手术前后对照。Methods We made results by questionaire, examination test and CT scanning of rectus abdominis muscles.

耻骨肌是接近腹股沟的一个短肌,它被股直肌覆盖住了一部分。The pectineus is a short muscle located close to the groin. It is partly covered by the rectus femoris.

我们报告一老年男性因气喘发作而严重咳嗽导致腹直肌血肿之病例。We describe a case of rectus sheath hematoma caused by severe coughing during an exacerbation of asthma.