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书籍是朋友,虽然没有热情,却非常忠实。——格言。Books are friends who are not zestful , but faithful.

在离开三个月之后见到他的家人是很令人感到来劲的时刻。Seeing his family after three months away was a zestful moment.

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而在保留活力与一丝激情性格的同时所学会的沉着,是让我觉得我跟其他人稍有不同的处所。Being active and zestful meanwhile, calm makes me feel, that I am a little different from other ones.

品尝术语,用来描述一种像香草的味道,在新的美洲橡木桶中酿造往往能形成这种香味。Zestful Tasting term used to describe a fresh, crisp wine, usually white, with a good balance of fruit and acidity.

很多人认为富有国家是老化的,受困与债务的,并且才思枯竭的,相比于年轻的、热情的、高存款的新兴市场。Many see the rich world as old, debt-ridden and out of ideascompared with the young, zestful and high-saving emerging markets.

相比那些年轻的、生机勃勃而且储蓄丰富的新兴市场,许多人认为发达国家现在是老态龙钟、债务缠身、思想过时。Many see the rich world as old, debt-ridden and out of ideas compared with the young, zestful and high-saving emerging markets.

当时,我满心欢喜地期待着第一个孩子出生,与此同时,我那一度精力充沛、风趣热情的母亲与脑瘤的斗争也最后失败了。I was joyfully expecting my first child at the same time that my once-energetic, zestful mother was losing her battle with a brain tumor.

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往日里精力充沛、热情开朗的母亲却在与脑肿瘤病毒的斗争中逐渐失利。I was joyfully expecting my first child, at the same time that my once-energetic. Zestful mother was losing her battle with a brain tumor.

长期看,译言无需担心个别译者逐渐失去热情,总会有更多有热情的人加入进来。Look for a long time, interpret character need not fear individual translator loses enthusiasm gradually, total meeting has more zestful person to join come in.

此酒蕴含甜美黑樱桃的迷人风味,展现了小串蓝黑葡萄的特质,是加州海岸地区黑皮诺种植区的典型代表佳酿。Zestful black cherry flavors are indicative of the small clustered, blue-black berries of the vine. This wine is an ensemble of coastal Pinot Noir growing regions of California.