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勤奋近乎讥成功。Diligence eis near success.

他的勤奋不过是装样子罢了。His diligence is a mere pose.

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警慎和勤奋才能带来好运。Care and diligence bring luck.

谨慎和勤奋,才能抓住机运。Care and diligence bring luck.

把稳和勤奋技能抓住机遇。Care and diligence bring in luck.

仔细和勤奋才略抓住机遇。Ccan be and diligence bring luck.

属意和勤奋才力抓住机遇。Cmay be and diligence raise luck.

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她把成功归功于勤奋。She owes her success to diligence.

她是凭着努力才成功的。She succeeded by means of diligence.

春之勤劳,秋之财富。Spring diligence is autumn treasure.

勤勉乃幸运之母。Diligence is the Mother of Good Luck.

岁月莫从闲中过,成功须向勤中求。Success is to be gained in diligence.

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勤奋适用于一切事业。Diligence applies to all undertakings.

勤勉是成功的可靠保证。Diligence is a sure warrant of success.

谨慎和勤奋才具抓住机遇。Ccould always be and diligence bring luck.

你是在给我打电话,对某人进行尽职调查。You are calling me for diligence on someone.

他勤奋地全神贯注于这项工作。He applied himself to the task with diligence.

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勤劳和努力就不笨了吗?Hard work and diligence will prevent stupidity ?

天禀不过是勤奋而已。Genius is nothing but lstomhvachor and diligence.

诺拉的勤奋为其他学生树立了榜样。Nora's diligence had set an example to the others.