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喇嘛教?莫非又是藏器。Lamaism ?Is it Tibetan ware?

当今的蒙古,藏传佛教是最为流行的宗教。Today, the most popular religion in Mongolia is Lamaism.

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这就是所谓的喇嘛教,他们坚信轮回。It is called Lamaism and it believes strongly in reincarnation.

中国一直未能铲除喇嘛教是一大败笔。It is a great failure that China did not erased Lamaism in Tibet.

既有原始图腾的崇拜,又有喇嘛教,还有西方的天主教。Both the original totem worship, there Lamaism , the West Catholic.

呼和浩特保存最完好规模最大、年代最久的喇嘛教寺院。Hohhot best-preserved largest and the oldest in the temple Lamaism.

一般人所知道的密宗,就是喇嘛教。What most people understand to be the Secret School is actually Lamaism.

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藏传佛教替代萨满教,是一个相当复杂而又漫长的过程。It is a long and complex process for Lamaism to take the place of Samanism.

达斡尔人的宗教是萨满教,还有一小部分人信奉喇嘛教。The religion of the Daurs was shamanism, while a few were followers of Lamaism.

大召,是呼和浩特建造的第一座喇嘛教召庙。Summons greatly, is the first Lamaism which Huhhot constructs summons the temple.

喇嘛教的主要特点是仪式讲究,等级森严。Lamaism is characterized by elaborate rituals and a strong hierarchical organization.

天主教、基督教、喇嘛教等多种信仰相安共处。Various religious beliefs coexist here, such as Catholicism, Christianism, and Lamaism.

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怀抱稚子,手转经轮,希望喇嘛教的传承永远不坠。Holding a baby while turning the prayer wheel, hoping that the traditions of Lamaism will never fade.

刺绣宗教的接触是加强对元代统治者在喇嘛教相信谁。The religious touch of embroidery was strengthened by the rulers of Yuan Dynasty who believed in Lamaism.

此外,于18世纪中叶迁至黑龙江富裕县的柯尔克孜人,信仰萨满教或喇嘛教。While Kerkez who moved to Fuyu County, Heilongjiang province in mid-18th century, still believe in Shamanism or Lamaism.

喇嘛教在内蒙古地区有着广泛的群众基础,影响到政治、经济、文化等各个领域。In Timer Mongolia, with a broad mass participation Lamaism exerted influence on the fields of politics, economy, culture, etc.

今天佛教依然为多数藏族群众所信奉,充满形式感的各种宗教活动,包容了高原人对生活的哲思、热切和期盼。Today, lamaism remains the religion followed by the majority of Tibetans, its many ritualistic activities continuing to embody the Tibetans' philosophy of life.

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该文从群体布局、单体造型和细部装饰等方面,分析了内蒙古喇嘛教建筑的特色。The paper analyses the characteristics of Lamaism architecture in Inner Mongolia from three aspects of cluster distribution, single shaped and detail decoration.

过去五年中,在德语国家里喇嘛教的这些阴暗面已经引起了媒体中日渐增加的批评。Over the last five years in the German speaking countries, these shadow-aspects of Lamaism have lead to a vast, steady and increasing stream of criticism in the media.

祭敖包原本是萨满教的一项图腾祭祀活动,后来喇嘛教取代萨满教后,这一祭祀活动也被纳入到喇嘛教,同时增加了宗教色彩。Aobao festival was originally Shamanism is a totem worship activities, and later replaced Shamanism Lamaism , the festival has been integrated into the Lamaism , an increase of religious overtones.