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她呼吁对离婚法进行改革。She also calls for reform of the law on nullity.

如果不完整,环境保护局可以把它的全部或部分定为无效。If not, EPA may treat it in whole or in part as a nullity.

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在第4节研究了偏序集拟阵的零度函数。In Section 4, we study the nullity functions of poset matroids.

在本命令中,判令指离婚判令或婚姻无效判令。In this Order a decree means a decree of divorce or nullity of marriage.

而一度过分沉浸于叔本华和尼采的哲学,使他看起来万念俱灰。After an overdose of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, he seemed to yearn for nullity.

图的零度是指在图的谱中特征值0的重数。The nullity of a graph is the multiplicity of the eigenvalue zero in its spectrum.

那虚幻不实的、转瞬即逝的东西仅浮泛于表面,而不能构成世界的真实本质。Nullity and transistorizes constitute only the superficial features and not the real essence of the world.

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文章给出了有最小最大匹配的树的一个充分条件,对树零化度的刻画有重要作用。We give a sufficient condition of the least maximum matching, it plays important role in the nullity of tree.

无效婚姻是现实生活中较为普遍的一种社会现象,同时也是一种违法的民事关系。Nullity of Marriage is a social phenomenon commonly exists in reality. It is also a kind of illegal civil relation.

一个意味着“空”的概念和符号描绘了一种超越于人类提取能力的定性。A concept and symbol that connotes nullity represents a qualitative advancement of the human capacity of abstraction.

民国七十四年为贯彻一夫一妻制之原则,而将重婚改为无效婚。To enforce the principle of monogamy, in 1985 the Civil Codes stipulated that "bigamous marriages are grounds for nullity."

图是黄琼湘教授在2006年定义的一类新图,并对其零化度进行了深入的研究。PED-graphs are a class of new defined graphs by Qiongxiang Huang in 2006, the nullity of PED-graphs has been studied in depth.

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这种条款的无效不影响作为该合同或单证的其他部分规定的效力。The nullity of such a stipulation does not affect the validity of the other provisions of the contract or document of which it forms a part.

前款规定的合同条款的无效,不影响合同其他条款的效力。The nullity and voidness of the clauses set out in the preceding paragraph shall not prejudice the validity of the other clauses of the contract.

关于婚姻无效之诉的程序问题,因我国法无明文规定,实践中困惑多多。There are many questions in practice of marriage nullity suit, as our legal system doesn't expressly provide judicial procedures of nullity suit.

怀疑主义,是彻底怀疑一切认识形式的否定性科学,也可以作为一个揭露那些假定之虚妄性的导言。Skepticism, made a negative science and systematically applied to all forms of knowledge, might seem a suitable introduction, as pointing out the nullity of such assumptions.

第八条仲裁协议独立存在,合同的变更、解除、终止、无效或者失效以及存在与否,不影响仲裁协议的效力。Article 8 An arbitration agreement exists independently. The amendment, rescission, termination, nullity or invalidation of a contract shall not affect the validity of the arbitration agreement.