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拆下纵向互锁伺服电机。Remove longitudinal interlock servo motor.

手放在头顶。手指相扣。Hands on your head. Interlock your fingers.

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他们的主题是“市民性的互锁”。Their title of project is "Civic Interlock".

不同的部分互相咬合在一起。The different parts interlock with each other.

编写安全连锁系统系统测试规程。Develop the safety interlock detailed test procedure.

平纹组织、单、双罗纹组织、胖花组织。Plain stitch, rib and interlock stitch, tucking stitch.

电源连锁环保系统,保障操作安全。Power interlock protective system ensures safe operation.

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本发明公开了厢式车辆上互锁控制系统。The invention discloses an interlock control system in a van.

连自己身边的婢女都可以不要。The maidservants that interlock oneself contiguous all can no.

请注意下颚骨是如何联锁而形成坚墙的。Notice how the original jawbones interlock to form sturdy walls.

防护栅栏与电气联锁确保操作安全。Protective fencing and electrical interlock ensure safe operation.

焦炉移动机车的自动控制即“三车联锁系统”是焦化企业安全生产的重要环节。Therefore three-car interlock control is a very important part of coking production.

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数字输入可以和外部安全联锁开关联结在一起。The digital input can be used in conjunction with an external safety interlock switch.

互锁开关应符合第14.3条所规定的互锁开关耐用性测试要求。An interlock switch shall comply with the interlock switch endurance test of Clause 14.3.

隔离开关与接地开关的机械联锁部分是通过CS8-6D型手动机构上的联锁盘来实现的。The mechanical interlock is realized through the interlocking panel of CS8-6D manual mechanism.

为了防止环行器打火受损,建立了快速联锁保护电路,该电路在历次打火中成功地保护了环行器。A fast interlock circuit has been inserted into the RF system in order to protect the circulator.

而机车定位技术又是三车联锁系统中的关键技术。And the locomotive location technology is also in the three-car interlock systems key technologies.

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只是,秦岚却仿似根本不放在心上,连多看他一下都不曾。Just, but Qin Lan emulate don't put in the idea, interlock to see him more for a meantime always not.

各种外墙砌块、内墙砌块、花墙砌块、地面砖、护坡块、还可生产联锁路面砌块和路边石等砌块。Making all kind of blocks such as hollow block, curbstone , interlock block, grass block, slope block.

利用组态和编程软件实现催化主风机防喘振控制,机组自保联锁和机组停机联锁。The interlock and the shutdown as well as the anti-surge control of the compressor and expander are f.