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人们采用无土栽培的方法来种植蔬菜。The people here use soilless cultivation methods to grow vegetables.

锯末软化栽培法是一种简单实用的无土软化栽培方法。It is a simple but practical way of soilless and blanching culture of chicory.

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本发明涉及无土栽培营养液领域。The present invention relates to the field of nutrient liquor for soilless culture.

农业上用作无土栽培,酸性土壤的酥胸啊肥料。Used as soilless culture in agriculture, fertilizer with quick result for acid soil.

水培花卉属于无土栽培新技术的范畴。Water earths up flowers to belong to the category of soilless culture new technology.

鳝鱼无土养殖可分为流水无土养殖和静水无土养殖两种类型。Soilless breeding eel can be further divided into running water breeding and closed water breeding.

千万别再加其他成分了,比如园土啊,集料啊什么的,否则就会破坏无土介质的概念了。Never add other ingredients such as soil or aggregate which will defeat the entire soilless concept.

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现在已经很少有人用园土配的介质了,谁叫无土植料那么好用呢?Few growers today use soil based medium as the results realized with soilless mixes are so outstanding.

利用吊兰无土栽培系统对二级处理后的生活污水进行深度处理。The domestic wastewater advanced treatment with soilless cultivated bracketplant chlorophytum was studied.

还有一些肥料里面添加了微量元素,是专门为无土介质设计的,很有用。There are also formulae with added trace elements for use with soilless mixes and these are very beneficial.

介绍了在设施条件下生产绿色蔬菜的有机生态型无土栽培技术。This paper introduced under the facilities organic ecotype soilless planting technique of the green vegetable.

对无土栽培的环境设施调控,应考虑哪些主要的环境因素?Which environmental factors must be considered while regulating and controlling the environment of soilless culture?

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本文还提出了基质微生物研究的方向和存在的问题,并就基质微生物研究利用的前景进行了展望。The prospect, direction and problem of researches on utilizing microorganism in soilless culture were discussed as well.

介绍了水芹有机生态型无土栽培系统的建立,以及栽培管理技术要点。Introduced the eco-organic soilless culture system and culture management techiques of high yields of Oenanthe Javanica DC.

目前生产上采用的主要方式有袋培、槽培和少数营养液膜系统栽培。The main soilless system for commercial production are bag and trough substrate culture, only alittlearea using NFT system.

比较系统地研究了有机生态型无土栽培技术在温室长季节番茄生产中的应用方法和效果。Applied method and effect of Eco organic type soilless culture techniques were studied in the long season greenhouse tomato.

结果表明,污染水体中水培蔬菜的金属元素富集水平是不同的。For all the five soilless cultivated vegetables of the polluted water, enrichment level of metal elements was found different.

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本论文以丽格海棠为材料,通过盆栽试验,对丽格海棠的无土栽培进行系统的研究。This paper to Rieger Begonia for the materials, through the pot experiment, Rieger Begonia to the soilless cultivation systems.

轮作、休闲、土壤消毒、选种耐连作或抗病虫品种、无土栽培等。To rotate, fallow, soil disinfection and select succession cropping-ensuring and pest-resistance species, soilless culture etc.

最近的15年里,商业贩卖的介质有了长足的进步,并朝着无土化发展。There have been great advances in the last 15 years in commercial growing medium and the trend is definitely toward soilless mixes.