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和狂涛巨浪。And what a Billow be.

海轮在大洋巨浪上颠簸。The ship was tossed by the ocean billow.

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怒涛几乎吞没了这条船。An angry billow almost swallowed the ship.

怒涛几乎吞没了那条船。An angry billow almost swallowed that ship.

我也祝愿老总事业顺利,财源滚滚。I also wish the boss career, exchequer billow.

一张张白帆随着微风舞动。The white sails billow with the breezes they catch.

你却像阳光照耀下上下起伏的一片波浪。You are like an undulating billow warmed by the sun.

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房门砰地一声关上了,窗帘被风翻卷着吹向屋内。A door shuts with a bang and curtains billow into the room.

犹他州雪松城的天空,积云如波涛滚滚而来。Cumulus clouds billow over the landscape near Cedar City, Utah.

暴风雨时,大西洋的巨浪冲撞岩石掀得很高很高。The billow of the atlantic dash high on the rock during a storm.

砰的一声,风关上了一扇房门,窗帘也随风飘起,向屋内翻卷着。In the house a door shuts with a bang, curtains billow into the room.

只有敢于扬起风帆,顶恶浪的勇士,才能争到上游。Only dare to set sail, top evil billow warriors, to fight to the upstream.

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技术洪流总是滚滚向前,浩浩荡荡,无法阻挡。Technical onrush always is billow forward, vast and mighty, cannot hold back.

老范很“雷”,不仅“雷”,而且“春雷滚滚”。Laofan very " thunder " , not only " thunder " , and " spring thunder billow ".

墙壁将开始翻腾像丝绸,和天堂一样闪光。The walls would begin to billow like silk, and paradise would shine once again.

在波涛杂色类型中控制有多少单元被嵌入到介质中。Controls how many cells are imbedded in the medium used by the Billow noise type.

控制波涛杂色类型各别的单元随机化密度。Controls the density randomization of individual cells used by the Billow noise type.

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希望能够通过这种方式来保护鼓浪屿上的老别墅。The hope can protect the old villa on island bosomy billow through this kind of means.

欧罗巴仿佛正痛苦但勇敢的面对着汹涌的巨浪。The Europa imitates a Buddha positive pain and sufferings but brave of face dashing billow.

让未知孵化我不渝的信仰,坚持在浩瀚人生巨流里前航!The unknown hatches my unswerving belief, makes me persist in sailing against the billow of life.