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她的温顺让他吃惊。Her docility had surprised him.

对于这种水平的挑衅行为置之不理显然是很不正常的。Such docility is unusual given the level of provocation.

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结合了庄严和很好的本质,勇敢而温顺。A combination of grandeur and good nature, courage and docility.

如果你重视顺从大于创造力,就要站在房顶上大声喊出来。If you value docility over ingenuity, shout it from the rooftops.

他想撒下反叛的种子,唤醒这个循分驯良的农夫的觉悟。He was trying to plant the seed of revolt arouse that placid peasant docility.

他想撒下反叛的种子,唤醒这个安分驯良的农民的觉悟。He was trying to plant the seed of revolt, arouse that placid peasant docility.

长期以来,听话的庶民一直是卡扎菲政权的根基。Qaddafi’s power has for a long time relied on the docility of ordinary Libyans.

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并且她们被认为具备有别于男性的温顺与天真。And they are expected to defer to men's' will with great docility and simplicity.

这位将军,一个从不会顺从或忍耐的人,变得暴跳如雷。The general, a man by no means notable for docility and long-suffering, flew into a rage.

跟他的其他复制品不同,这名克隆体将不会接受生长加速以及思维驯化。Unlike his other duplicates, this clone would not undergo growth acceleration or docility tampering.

但是他的这种温和正适合于做一个意志坚定的女人的丈夫。But his docility did make him well suited to be a genial family man and good husband to a strong-willed woman.

不要萧规曹随,凡事想想清楚事出何因,多问几个为什么?Don't follow rules docility . everything you must find out what's wrong of the thing. ask youself more several of why?

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由于这种小动物超乎寻常的温和性格,科学家从17世纪就开始用它来做实验了。Scientists started experimenting on guinea pigs as far back as the 17th century because of the animal's remarkable docility.

日本企业依靠的是员工的忠诚,顺从和牺牲,其它国家的企业文化中缺少这些品质,尤其是在现代的中国。Japanese firms rely on employee loyalty, docility and sacrifice—rarities in some other work cultures, especially modern China’s.

虽然这些士兵和一般复制人一样在加速生长下成长,不过其顺从性和独立性却并未完全经过改造。Though these troopers undergo growth acceleration like the standard clones, their docility and independence has not been at all altered.

阿尔法没有接受过基因工程的顺从性改造,因此具有天生的独立性,他把自己的这一特点融入训练课程,强调学员的个性和创造力。Alpha translated his natural independence and lack of genetically engineered docility tampering into a regimen that emphasized individuality and creativity.