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他的三角学分数很低。He received a low mark for trigonometry.

球面三角学向量法。Vector approach to spherical trigonometry.

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三角函数必须随时会用Trigonometry functions you know all the time.

他在数学书的部门找到一些三角学的书?He found books on trigonometry in the mathematics section.

我们可用三角原理测定山的高度。We may determine the height of a mountain by trigonometry.

数学,包括学前、代数、几何、三角学。Mathematics, including Pre-Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry.

光学测距器利用三角法工作。The optical rangefinder works by an application of trigonometry.

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三颗痣成三角型怎么回事?Do 3 mole become trigonometry model how to return a responsibility?

此课程基于代数课程,包括三角函数。Advanced Physics is an algebra-based course and includes trigonometry.

它也用编好的子程序计算对数和三角。It was also programmed with subroutines for logarithms and trigonometry.

算术、代数、几何和三角是数学的分科。Arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and trigonometry are branches of mathematics.

介绍了一种基于激光三角法原理的光学传感器的设计。A kind of sensor which based on the laser trigonometry principle is designed.

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在珠三角地区,像这样不起眼的小工厂遍地都是。Be in bead trigonometry area, resembling so ordinary small shop is everywhere.

如果你不知道如何进行测量,你就是在研究代数或者三角函数了If you don't know how to measure anything, you are doing algebra and trigonometry.

印度人和希腊人一样,把三角学当作他们天文学的工具。The Hindus , like the Greeks , regarded trigonometry as a tool for their astronomy.

三角结合空间和号码,以及包括著名的毕达哥拉斯定理。Trigonometry combines space and numbers, and encompasses the well-known Pythagorean theorem.

我亲眼目睹有人发布有关微积分和三角法的恒等式难题,并迅速得到别人的解答。I’ve seen people post Calculus and Trigonometry equations and get them solved fairly quickly!

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回顾一下学过的三角函数,这个例子再次佐证了熟知三角函数是多么有用If you go back to your trigonometry, That's another example where knowing the trigonometry is very helpful.

差不多直到1450年球面三角的内容由一些不严谨的法则组成,这此法则的基础是希腊、印度和阿拉伯译本。Until about 1450 spherical trigonometry consisted of loose rules based on greek, hindu and arabic versions.

主要产品有三角带、油封等汽车配套橡胶用料。The main products have such rubber materials of automobile accessories as trigonometry bringing, oil seals, etc.