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苏珊与南锡在一起。Susan was with Nancy.

落款是“苏珊”。It was signed "Susan."

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苏珊游泳游得很好。Susan swims very well.

苏珊现在有孕在身。Susan is with child now.

这位是我的朋友苏珊。This is my friend Susan.

苏三喜欢冰淇淋吗?Does Susan like ice cream?

苏珊紧张地倒吸一口冷气。Susan swallowed nervously.

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昨晚我被苏珊放鸽子了。Susan stood me up last night.

挨着苏珊的那个女孩是谁?Who`s the girl next to Susan?

苏珊·哈帕,是你干的吗?Susan Harper, did you do this?

我们的小玛丽,小苏珊,还有爱米莉。When Mary and Susan and Emily.

苏珊,你看起来好困哦。You look really sleepy, Susan.

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你还在追苏珊吗?。Are you still working on Susan?

苏珊和连恩在泰国。Susan and Liam are in Thailand.

苏珊以20元买了一件T-衬衫。Susan bought a T-shirt for ¥20.

菲拉的水比苏珊的少。Vera has less water than Susan.

道格和苏珊继续聊天。Doug and Susan continue talking.

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苏珊每个周末回家。Susan comes home every week-end.

为什么苏姗喜欢四月的天气?Why is Susan like April weather?

"你错了."苏珊插嘴说."You're wrong," interjected Susan.