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四是求同存异。The fourth is tolerance.

仅仅宽容是不够的。Tolerance is not enough.

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但对什么零容忍呢?。But zero tolerance of what?

要像海一般宽广。正所谓「有容乃大」。In tolerance be like a sea.

试一试表现得宽容些。Try and show some tolerance.

纳扎尔巴耶夫强调民族的宽容性。Nazarbayev emphasizes tolerance.

误差的承受范围是多少呢?What is the tolerance for errors?

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千万不要考验我的宽容度。Don't ever challenge my tolerance.

真正了解你对痛苦的容忍度。Get real about your tolerance for pain.

我猜这大概就是零容忍吧。And I guess it's zero tolerance roughly.

忍耐力较诸脑力,尤胜一筹。Tolerance is a notch above intelligence.

宽容要以退为进、积极地防御。Tolerance to retreat and active defense.

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我认为这取决于你自己的忍耐力。I think it depends on your own tolerance.

伊斯兰教有着傲人的宽容传统。Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.

只是孤单它太惨忍。It is just too lonely miserable tolerance.

你别再教我怎么学会容忍了。Don't treat me to more lessons of tolerance.

还是说你对失败有高度的包容力?Or do you have a high tolerance for failure?

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中国人认为软弱是宽容。Chinese believe that flaccidity is tolerance.

我对你的无礼的忍耐是有限的。My tolerance of your impoliteness is limited.

越冬品系具有很强的耐低温能力。The SW have strong ability on cold tolerance.