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卡特先生经营着一个牛奶场。Mr. Carter ran a dairy.

我想参观你们的乳品厂。I would like to visit your dairy.

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养牛大多是为了提供奶制品。Cattle are raised mostly for dairy.

而且坚果不含奶,也不含麸质物。They are also dairy and gluten-free.

在牛奶场工作的妇女。A woman or girl who works in a dairy.

为了拥有干净清透的皮肤,远离奶制品。For clear skin, stay away from dairy.

请问乳类制品在哪里?Excuse me.where are the dairy products?

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去乳品店帮我买些奶酷。Go and buy me some cleese at the dairy.

他在埃姆斯维尔经营他父亲的牛奶公司。He ran his father's dairy in Amesville.

无果油,面筋,大豆,燕麦或奶制品。No nut oils, gluten, soy, oat or dairy.

绝对避免面筋和奶制品。Absolute avoidance of glutens and dairy.

我们拥有许多乳牛群和奶牛。We have lots of dairy herds, dairy cows.

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所有动物产品,如肉类和奶制品。All animal products, like meat and dairy.

我的家乡富产乳制品。My hometown produces many dairy products.

上海尚龙乳业有限公司。Shanghai Songleo Dairy Industry Co. , Ltd.

这个牧场拥有超过两百只的乳牛。The dairy farm owns over 200 dairy cattle.

还有奶牛所属农场主的信息!There is information on dairy farmer-owned!

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我是在一个奶牛场长大的,我曾经挤牛奶。I was raised on a dairy farm. I milked cows.

这公司为我供应奶类制品。The company provides me with dairy products.

益生菌奶制品就是一个极佳的例子。Probiotic dairy products are a prime example.