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它是机器狗。It's a robot dog.

人只是机器人We're just a robot.

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你会讲机器人语吗?Well, do you speak robot?

所以他向机器人询求帮助。So he asks his robot for her.

在每个嘀嗒时刻,一个机器人可以执行动作。At each tick, a robot can act.

我觉得Shojo领主是个机器人。I think Lord Shojo is a robot.

那如果工人是机器人怎么办?What if the worker is a robot?

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一个机器人学会了骑自行车。A robot learned to ride a bike.

最后自杀了The other robot commits suicide.

用乐高积木搭建一台机器人Build a robot out of Lego bricks.

机器人能捕获该物体。The robot can acquire the object.

当然,机器人不能唠闲嗑儿。Certainly, a robot cannot schmooze.

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高空走钢丝巡查电网的机器人High-Wire Robot to Inspect the Grid

使用机器人手臂打开发动机盖。Use the robot arms to open the hood.

利用机器人再次展现你的梦境Re-enacting Your Dreams Using A Robot

控制工业机器人的配线盒。Control Box wiring of Lndustrial Robot.

自动筛选机已投入使用。The robot sifter has been put into use.

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一个机器人在杜拜骑骆驼。A robot sits on a camel's back in Dubai.

这个2英寸高的机器人十分昂贵。The 2-foot-tall robot also is expensive.

他们的床上也可能放置了机器人臭虫。There may be robot bedbugs in their bed.