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多菲有一辆红色自行车。Duo Fei has a red bicycle.

她甘高层次都唔得!She gum high level duo ng dak.

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尤文盯上法国二人组而阿森纳则看上了阿皮亚。Juve target French duo as Arsenal eye Appiah.

幸亏乘警帮忙找到了小朵。Fortunately marshals to help find a small duo.

在家里的时候,有时候兴之所至我们还会双人唱。We even sing together in a duo when I am home.

事实上,霍内斯也对米兰的此二人感兴趣。In fact, Hoeness is interested in the AC Milan duo.

朵儿一共有三种型号——城市版、运动版和公路版。The duo comes in three models — city, sport and road.

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哪一中卫组合能与你和内斯塔等同比对?Which defensive duo can be compared to you and Nesta?

十多天没日没夜的救援让陈岩瘦了10多斤。Days of round-the-clock rescue let Duo Jin Yan lost 10.

那对搭档设了一计以消除各自的债务。The duo set up a scam to settle their respective debts.

合肥多多箱包厂合肥多多箱包皮件厂成立于1990年。He Fei Duo Duo Suitcase Factory was established in 1990.

我要发疯了!能见到两位巨星的化学反应真是太好了。I'm in hypo! Good to see the chemistry between the duo !

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我们可以躲开一头大象,却躲不开一只蚊子的叮咬。We can evade an elephant, but Duo Bukai a mosquito bite.

聚会和酒精是让夜晚活色生香的绝佳排挡。Party and alcohol are the ultimate duo to spice up a night.

在头顶的山上它缓缓踱着步子。The top of the head of the hill it Huanhuan Duo with steps.

迪奥默默咒骂着,他的胸口痛苦的收缩起来。Duo cursed under his breath, his chest contracting painfully.

在我们跃进项目的工地上,经常活跃着一对父子的身影。On the worksite of our Yaojin Project is a father and son duo.

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这2位设计师运营了一家叫做CuteCircuit的互动式成衣公司。The duo run an interactive clothing company called CuteCircuit.

那时的人们就不用羡慕大雄有哆啦A梦了。The people of then need not admire big male have Duo La A dream.

迪奥奔向希罗,他的眼睛充满了不可置信。Duo ran towards the boy, his eyes hardly believing what they saw.