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老倌可听说最近一条大新闻啊?The age Guan audibility says a recent big newspaper?

达到可视、可听形象直观的目的。Doing them for the purposes of visibleness, audibility , visuality and intuitionistics.

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此外,解放油罐车已经建在机舱内提高可听到的谈话。In addition, quietness has been built in to the cabin to enhance the audibility of conversation.

法规遵循规范指定那些决策必须编制为支持决策的可闻性Compliance specifications specifying which decisions must be documented to support audibility of the decisions

高频重塑的目的是为弱人士提供全频率段声音的可听性,并搞高言语可懂度。SoundRecover is about providing audibility for the full spectrum of sounds and enhancing speech intelligibility.

目的评价一组经过等价性验证的汉语普通话单音节表在听力损失患者中的复测信度。Objective To evaluate Test-retest reliability of Mandarin monosyllable lists with equivalency in audibility in hearing loss group.

本文讨论了最主要的几种扬声器缺陷类型,新的失真测量技术,失真的可闻度以及对音质感知的影响。The paper discusses the most important defect classes, new measurement techniques, audibility and the impact on perceived sound quality.

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但是李一丁的音乐会音乐却有着一定的可听性,她的室内乐、交响乐在运用现代音乐技法的同时,始终贯穿优美、清晰的旋律。But Li Yiding's mucic has a certain audibility , her chamber music and symphonic music conduct the modern music techniques as well as the graceful and clear melodies.

但是李一丁的音乐会音乐却有着一定的可听性,她的室内乐、交响乐在运用现代音乐技法的同时,始终贯穿优美、清晰的旋律。But Li's concert's music has certain audibility . Her chamber music and symphony run through throughout elegant and clear melody when she utilizes modern music technique.

文中分析了高空气象条件与声传播的关系,并通过能听度评估气象条件。This paper analyses the connection between high altitude weather information and sound propagation in the atmosphere, and evaluates the weather information by audibility.