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初冬就一无是处了吗?Early winter on the merit it?

嘉信理财称这一起诉没有道理.Schwab said the lawsuit lacks merit.

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把这篇转出去,假如你认为它言之有理的话。Pass it on if you think it has merit.

无功得名是常事,无过失名也是常事。Reputation is often got without merit

那丝毫也没有减损他的功绩。That subtracts nothing from his merit.

谈一下,你最大的优点及最大的缺点是什么?What is your biggest merit and demerit?

这种行为有损他的荣誉。Such a conduct derogates from his merit.

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佛法中,福德究竟意味着什么?What do we mean by merit in Buddhadharma?

那将无损于他的功绩。That will subtract nothing from his merit.

潮流和大趋势会有利于密切关注。Trends and megatrends merit close attention.

根据成绩排列顺序,我算中上。I am above the average in the order of merit.

有功者奖。Those who have gained merit will be rewarded.

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你认为这些信条有任何功劳吗?Do you think there's any merit in these tenets?

在那种情况下,我要说以价值为基础。In that situation I would say a merit based on.

它看起来是荒谬的,但这个想法是有价值的。It seems ridiculous, but the thought has merit.

晋升是看业绩还是排资论辈?Should promotion be through merit or seniority?

你认为你有哪些优点、缺点?What do you think about your merit and demerit?

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但是你要从它本身的价值去看每一件事情。You have to look at each case on its own merit.

历史给我们提供了值得注意的借鉴。History affords us lessons that merit attention.

我在高中跑步锻炼我还从我体育老师那得到一个良好呢!I got a Merit for my school run, for god's sake.