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只有对经济复苏的信念越加坚定,财政紧缩措施才可以越早开始推行。The more entrenched the recovery, the earlier a fiscal clampdown can begin.

视频共享网站Youtube近日公布了一项对“涉黄”视频剪辑的禁令。Video sharing website YouTube has announced a clampdown on sexually suggestive clips.

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对于帐外借款和银行体系外的借贷,打击力度依然很大。The clampdown on loans made off the books or outside the banking system remains in force.

如果照此情况继续下去,在奥运前几周或几个月将可能展开一场大规模的取缔活动。If today’s pattern holds, a pre-Olympic clampdown in the weeks and months before the Games is likely.

这次言论强烈的语调是对中国最近新的一次对藏人区压制的反应。The furious tone of the speech may have been in reaction to a new clampdown by China on the Tibetan regions.

目前他正在寻求全球体系的金融规范措施,包括取缔贸易商、投机者和避税天堂。He is seeking a system of global financial regulation, including a clampdown on traders, speculation and tax havens.

由于投资者担心,放贷限令可能会阻碍增长,资源和建筑类股也有所下跌。Resources and construction stocks also went into retreat amid concerns that the lending clampdown might crimp growth.

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政府于今日晚些时候将拟出主要打击高风险借贷的行动纲要,着其中也包括了取缔信用卡支票的内容。The government is set to outlaw credit card cheques in a major clampdown on high-risk lending to be outlined later today.

当局曾试图篡改选举结果,在首都亚的斯亚贝巴随之发生抗议后,当局企图镇压。The regime tried to fudge the election results. Protests and an attempted clampdown in the capital, Addis Ababa, followed.

而鉴于政府对借贷的放纵程度之大,中国经济很容易受到官方突然性限制的影响。Given the scale of its government-directed lending binge, China's economy is vulnerable to a sudden clampdown by bureaucrats.

Turner还呼吁更重视流动性风险,开展更大范围的压力测试,并严格监管非银行金融机构。Turner also called for greater emphasis on liquidity risk, more wide-ranging stress tests and a clampdown on non-bank financial institutions.

限购令和信贷收紧,似乎正对中国大城市的楼市产生一些影响.The restrictions on homebuying and the heavy credit clampdown on buyers and developers seem to be showing some impact in major Chinese cities.

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在这样伟大的主题下,天空能见度低的北京受到严密的安全保护防止一切可能发生的恐怖事件。Beneath such grand themes, Beijing on Friday endured more smoggy skies and a tightening security clampdown amid reports of possible terror threats.

也有些分析家认为本次指控预示着大选来临,政府将对不同政见者和民运分子采取更大范围的压制和打击。Some analysts also say the charges could herald a broader clampdown on political dissent and pro-democracy figures in anticipation of the election.

新加坡的学校已经开始藉由停学处分,来惩罚在线上日记中侮辱师长的学生,一份报纸报导。Singapore schools have begun a clampdown on students who insult teachers in online journals by punishing them with suspensions , a newspaper reported.

在这个意义上说,因茉莉花革命呼吁而进行大规模的镇压行动,表明警方已开始在信息战争中败下。In that sense, the large-scale clampdown prompted by calls for a Jasmine Revolution shows that the police are beginning to lose the information battle.

决心令房市降温的政府对银行贷款施加限制令开发商银根紧缩,地产信托作为又一个资本来源将受到这些开发商欢迎.And developers, squeezed by a clampdown on bank loans by a government bent on cooling the housing market, would welcome them as another source of capital.

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除了经济利益的刺激之外,大麻从墨西哥通过边境受到了压制,也为一些新加入者进入这个市场提供了机会。On top of the economic incentive, the clampdown on marijuana traffic across the border from Mexico has also provided a reason for new participants to enter the market.

在欧盟,因为空气污染和气候暖化排放问题,摩托车生产商面临取缔,而且该行业表示它准备适应泛欧的规则。Motorcycle manufacturers face a clampdown on air pollution and climate-warming emissions in the European Union, and the industry says it is ready for pan-European rules.

这家保险经纪4月份消减了英国5,400名员工的退休金缴存数额,这被看作是消减退休金的前兆。The insurance broker cut pension contributions to most of its 5,400 United Kingdom workforce in April in a move widely seen as heralding a clampdown on retirement schemes.