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我做了一个纸康乃馨。I made a paper carnation.

香石竹再生体系的建立。Regeneration systems of carnation.

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一朵浅红色的康乃馨耀眼地插在他的西装翻领上。A pink carnation blooms in his lapel.

莎士比亚会用"carnation"。Instead he would have used "carnation".

他的扣洞上了一朵红色康乃馨。He wore a red carnation in his buttonhole.

他在扣眼里插了一朵康乃馨。He was wearing a carnation in his buttonhole.

香石竹不表现诱导现象。The induction was not appeared in Carnation cut flowers.

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我们会像勒托那样用一枝红色康乃馨当领结吗?Would we, as Leto did, wear a red carnation as a bow-tie?

他在领带上别了根珍珠别针,上装纽孔里插了枝白色康乃馨。He wore a pearl stickpin and a white carnation in his buttonhole.

此外,请您不要嫌俗气,我会在胸前别一朵红色康乃馨。If you will forgive the cliché, I will be wearing a red carnation.

于是我想起了花语,康乃馨的花语是祝福,我选择了它。So I thought of Flower, Flower Carnation is the blessing, I chose it.

当然坷以了。康乃馨在西方是母爱的象征,是吧?Of course. Carnation is a sign of maternal love in the West. Am I right?

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然而很多男人必须的只是是一个如康乃馨般温情宽容的妻子。But many men need a warmhearted and good-tempered carnation to be his wife.

是啊!只要心中有爱,康乃馨的花香就永远不会消失。Yes ah! As long as the heart, love, carnation flowers will never disappear.

而很多男人需要的只是一朵如康乃馨般温情宽容的妻子。But , any men need a warmhearted and good-tempered carnation to be his wife.

而很多男人需要的只是一个如康乃馨般温情宽容的妻子。But many men need a warmhearted and good- tempered carnation to be his wife.

但是他会选择一支康乃馨来共渡人生。But at last he will choose the carnation to company with him through his life.

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众所周知,康乃馨是世界上许多国家母亲节的首选花卉。As we all know, is the preferred carnation flowers many countries Mother's Day.

通过比较石竹属植物种内的DNA序列得到以下的一些结论。Comparing DNA sequences among carnation species revealed the rest of the story.

我是个布鲁克林的小年轻,头插一支粉色康乃馨,驾着一辆小货车。I was a lonely teenage broncin' buck, With a pink carnation and a pickup truck.