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简单的汉诺塔的算法!!!Simple Tower of Hanoi algorithm! ! !

在这个寺庙内有三个非常大的金刚石柱子。There's a temple in the middle of Hanoi.

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河内一名越南卖花小贩正在拣选玫瑰。A vietnamese flower vendor sorts roses in hanoi.

在河内市中心,房地产价格一直在飙升。Property prices have been soaring in central Hanoi.

在河内的文庙是一个很好的例子。The Temple of Literature in Hanoi is a good example.

河内和胡志明市正在创造巨大财富。Big money is being made in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.

在曼谷、河内和台北也有震感。Tremors were also reported in Bangkok, Hanoi and Taipei.

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河内亚太峰会,外交显身手,但成果寥寥。Useful diplomacy, but little else, at the summit in Hanoi.

所以这一切都意味着,河内需要一场强有力的改革。All this means that strong move forward is needed from Hanoi.

这是孙中山先生在1902年于河南与法国殖民官员的合照。The photo of Sun Yat Sen with French officials in Hanoi in 1902.

然而,在河内发生的争吵显示这一协议并没达成。The spat in Hanoi suggested that the pact has yet to materialise.

由原居地出发乘坐豪华客机飞往越南首都–河内。Depart by flight from home city to Hanoi , the capital of Vietnam.

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可是,在那里,和马和河内看到月乃的同父异母妹妹水乃。However, where Ma and Hanoi and is seen on the water is half-sister.

我下榻于河内市中心的一座雅致的二层楼结构的宾馆。I was housed in an elegant two-story guest house in the center of Hanoi.

这让东川优先成为河内的一个区。This was approved just prior to Dong Xuan becoming a commune of Hanoi.“We

2010年12月17日,一个商贩走在河内市中心的街头售卖服装。A vendor sells clothes along a street in downtown Hanoi on December 17, 2010.

在黎德寿出场之前,河内显然不会把它所有的牌都亮出来。Obviously hanoi would not show its full hand until le duc tho was on the scene.

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杨洁篪当天上午在河内会见了日本外务大臣前原诚司。Yang met with Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara in Hanoi on that morning.

乐施会1988年开始便于越南工作,1993年在河内开设首个办事处。Oxfam started working in Vietnam in 1988 and opened its office in Hanoi in 1993.

获救船员已于23日抵达河内内排国际机场。Rescued the crew was on the 23rd arrived in Hanoi Noi Bai International Airport.