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对朱迪·福斯特和西格妮·韦弗心存幻想。Fancy Jodie Foster and Sigourney Weaver.

伦敦昨晚出游的不只有约迪。Here's more of Jodie out in London last night.

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约迪和萨伍娜应该举行个优雅女士盛宴。Jodie and Shauna should settle this in a Miss Elegant pageant.

勒布朗对阵伊戈达拉或许占不到多少便宜,但韦德对阵乔蒂·米克斯呢?LeBron James against Iguodala is a great matchup, but Jodie Meeks on Dwayne Wade?

由于痴迷于演员朱迪福斯特,欣克利枪击了里根并伤及其他三人。John Hinckley shot President Reagan and wounded three others because of an obsession with actress Jodie Foster.

安吉丽娜饰演乔迪斯文基,但她的角色没有伊恩麦克肖恩在“朽木”中那么有趣。Angelina turns up as Jodie Swearingen, though sadly her character isn't as much fun as Ian McShane's in Deadwood.

有一次,乔蒂去明妮家问她能否辨认最近由她救助的一只迷失的狗是谁家的。Jodie approached Minnie to see if her neighbor could identify the owner of a stray dog that Jodie had recently rescued.

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包括评委会主席罗伯特·德尼罗在内,布拉德·皮特、西恩·潘、安吉丽娜·朱莉、朱迪·福斯特等将亮相。Including the jury, including the chairman Robert De Niro, Brad Pitt, Sean Penn, Angelina Jolie, Jodie Foster, etc. will be unveiled.

约翰·艾尔金顿和乔迪·索普则认为,企业将社会责任整合到核心战略中更为重要。But for John Elkington and Jodie Thorpe, it is more important that businesses integrate social responsibility into their core strategies.

约翰·艾尔金顿和乔迪·索普则认为,企业将社会责任整合到核心战略中更为重要。However, write John Elkington and Jodie Thorpe , businesses should also look to integrate social responsibility into their core strategies.

茱蒂福斯特在电影「接触未来」中,饰演年轻且理想化的电波天文学家艾伊莉•亚罗威。Tarter stands a head taller than Jodie Foster, the actress who played an idealistic young radio astronomer named Ellie Arroway in the film Contact.

本片曾获奥斯卡最佳影片,朱迪·福斯特和安东尼·霍普金斯贡献了非常精彩的表演。汉尼拔面具也成为经典万圣节道具。Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins give the performances of their careers in this Best Picture Oscar winner. And Hannibal's mask has become a classic Halloween costume for adults.