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它没有达到安全性和适航性的规定标准。It didn't reach required standards of safety and seaworthiness.

再次,对滚装客船船型进行经济性分析。Thirdly, the economics of seaworthiness ship type was analyzed.

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船强烈颠簸,为适航性固定了可移动的物件。Ship working violently and secured movable things for seaworthiness.

适航责任为承运人的“最低法定义务”之一。Liability for seaworthiness is one of"least legal obligations"of carriers.

为了提供改进武器系统所需的空间和改善适航性。In order to provide the space needed to improve weapons systems and to improve seaworthiness.

船舶适航就如同一条线,以各种形式贯穿整个海商和海事法。Seaworthiness of the ship likes a line, in various forms throughout the maritime and maritime law.

这些为飞机提供了良好的水上适航性,并能够在浪高0.7米的海面上起飞。This had to ensure the vehicle good seaworthiness and the ability to take off and land on water with waves up to 0.7 m.

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本证书仅涉及上述拖轮和平台在本次远洋拖航中的适航性。This Certificate is related only to the seaworthiness of the above-mentioned tugboat and platform for this ocean towage.

为了投保运输险我们需要有关预定装运弊公司货物船只的适航性和等级资料。For the transportation insurance, we need data on seaworthiness and classification of the ship scheduled to carry our good.

船舶的适航性规定要求船东配备合格的船员,但何谓合格船员,一直以来存在许多争议。Shipowners are required to arrange with qualified seafarer by the ship's seaworthiness. But there always much depute on what is qualified seafarer.

船舶横摇运动是对船舶航行影响最大的运动,研究船舶横摇运动的建模与预报对于提高船舶适航性、耐波性有重要意义。Because ship rolling is the heaviest motion of a ship in waves, it is important to study ship rolling modeling and prediction in order to improve ship's seaworthiness and wave-resistance.