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我用筷子去通排水孔。I used chopsticks to unclog the drain.

当然,这些措施并不能扫清道路上的障碍。Still, those measures may not unclog roads.

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盖特纳认为为了清理银行资产负债表问题,这样的代价值得付出。Mr Geithner sees this as a price worth paying to unclog banks' balance-sheets.

那样做虽不能将污物全部冲掉,但应该能疏通一些散发恶臭的排水管。That won't flush out all the sewage, but it should unclog some stinking drains.

减充血剂能帮助解除鼻塞,祛痰剂能帮助缓解多痰。Decongestants can help unclog a stuffy nose, and expectorants help loosen mucus.

涡轮蛇特别设计的头抓住和锁到头发堵塞下水道,转移和自由的瞬间!No need to move stopper. Turbo Snake has a specially designed head to unclog the drain.

当上呼吸道感染时,埃尔德伯里还可以消炎,和疏通耳朵。Elderberry also acts as a detoxifier for upper-respiratory congestion and can unclog ears.

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尽管美联储努力疏通金融体系,但降息呼声日高。The call for the rate cut came despite the efforts by the Fed to unclog the financial system.

一个月后,Fongheiser因胸口疼痛住进了医院,并需要做支架植入来疏通动脉。A month later, chest pain sent Fongheiser to the hospital where he needed a stent to unclog an artery.

财政部将把这些不良证券放入专设的联邦资产组合中,冀望这能够帮助市场清除阻塞。Treasury would dump the securities into a vast federal portfolio in hopes that will unclog the markets.

醋和热苏打水的混合物是最有效的用来疏通和防止排水沟生臭的方法之一。The combination of vinegar and baking soda is one of the most effective ways to unclog and deodorize drains.

旨在激活信贷市场的新计划正在开始对汽车、中小企业和学生贷款产生影响。New programs to unclog credit markets are beginning to have an impact on auto, small-business and student loans.

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不将我们的银行体系的动脉加以通畅,任何经济刺激计划都将永远无法让经济刺激到位。A stimulus package that does not also unclog the arteries of our banking system will never stimulate sufficiently.

我们若花够多的时间清除心理之心三个主要动脉的阻塞,就会感觉到我们全人活了。The way to unclog the three main arteries of our psychological heart is to make a thorough confession to the Lord.

先把其他的事摆摆吧,腾出手和安排时间来全力解决全地球人类的这件大事。The other thing first lectu right, hands and arrange spare time to to unclog the whole earth humanity of the event.

当然,议员们可以作出另外一种决定,不必以收购抵押贷款的方式疏通金融市场的信贷危机。Lawmakers could, of course, decide that there are other ways than buying up mortgages to unclog credit in financial markets.

有些人不太清楚这个手术的程序是怎样的,医生用非手术的方法疏通动脉。For those who are not really sure about what this procedure is, it is where the surgeons unclog the arteries through non-surgical methods.

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如果条件允许的话,可以在脸部敷白泥面膜,它们具有吸附性,可以将皮肤中的杂质清理出来,更有效地清洁毛孔。Use a clay mask for facials if possible, since they are highly absorbent and naturally help to draw out impurities in the skin and unclog the pores.

一个常见的心脏问题现在有了一个很有吸引力的解决方法。研究人员根据磁性物质相互吸引的规律,使得支撑血管的心脏支架更安全。A common heart problem may now have a magnetic solution. Researchers are using the laws of attraction to make heart stents that unclog blood vessels more safely.

他承诺要改造这个城市的国营国际机场和通过扩大公共交通畅通拥堵不堪的街道,包括提高这个城市低效率的地铁运行。He pledged to renovate the city’s state-run international airport and unclog traffic-choked streets by extending public transport, including the city’s inefficient subway.