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这是尼泊尔。This is Nepal.

这是一个伟大的日子对尼泊尔。This is a big day for Nepal.

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这是在尼泊尔看到的两则宣传语。Once you come, you know, Nepal.

没道理尼泊尔应该做傀儡。There's no reason Nepal should be a puppet.

1991年开始,我开始在尼泊尔教授瑜伽体式。I first taught yoga-asanas in 1991 in Nepal.

医疗工作者在尼泊尔为婴儿注射预防针。A health worker immunizes an infant in Nepal.

这些学生主要是来自印度和尼泊尔。This growth came mostly from India and Nepal.

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那些是尼泊尔手工制的。我在那买的。They were handmade in Nepal. I bought them there.

这标志着现代国家尼泊尔的诞生。This marked the birth of the modern nation of Nepal.

尊敬的尼泊尔世界文化网主席迪帕克先生Mr. Dipak Sarkar, President of Nepal World Culture Net

尼泊尔可以坐看鹬蚌相争。With skill, Nepal could play one off against the other.

印度和尼泊尔的农民使用低成本的滴灌技术。Farmers in India and Nepal use low-cost drip irrigation.

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尼泊尔就在山的上方,印度在南面的山脚下。Nepal is just over the mountains and India is down south.

弟从尼泊尔寄回来的其中一个木雕。It's one of the woodcarvings sent from Nepal by my bother.

在尼泊尔每年有超过三万的新生儿死亡。More than thirty-thousand newborns die each year in Nepal.

其中,尼泊尔和北阿坎德邦、北方邦和比哈尔邦有交界。Of these Nepal has borders with Uttarakhand, UP and Bihar.

一名三岁女孩,现在是一个新的活女神在尼泊尔。A three-year-old girl is now a new living goddess in Nepal.

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我很好奇尼泊尔会不会成为中国的卫星国。I am curious if Nepal will now become a satellite of China.

我想从尼泊尔加德满都陆路去印度新德里,有班车吗?I see India from Lumbini Nepal to Sonauli India, thank you!

为尼泊尔设计的耐用,便宜滤水器赢得世界银行奖。Sturdy, cheap water filter for Nepal wins World Bank Prize.