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这对脊椎炎无明显影响。It has no discernible effect on spondylitis.

在黑暗中很难看得清他的脸。His face was barely discernible in the gloom.

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玉楼缥缈孤烟际。Jade floor dimly discernible solitary smoke border.

取得预期效果之前的时滞很明显。Time lag before the desired effects are discernible.

远远的,那岛的轮廓依稀可见。Far away the outline of the island is just discernible.

在京剧里,我们还可以看到昆曲的影子。So, Kunqu elements are still discernible in Peking Opera.

这个文字的意义应该被辨明的迫切性,从何而来?Whence the urgency that the sense of this word be discernible.

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该风场的扰动虽然很弱,但是还是可以看得出来。Weak as it is, the disturbance in the wind field is discernible.

在美国,种族歧视无所不在。Racial discrimination is discernible everywhere in the United States.

挖掘机开挖泥土的痕迹清晰可见。The excavator excavates the soil the trace to be clearly discernible.

外交部长法赫米站在舷梯下面,隐约可见。Foreign Minister Fahmy was barely discernible at the bottom of the stairs.

做可辨认的标记会让你更好的理解所阅读的文章。Making discernible marks will help you understand what you are reading more.

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但是远处仍然是波光鳞鳞的大海,那大船历历在目。But the sea still shone in the distance and the ship was plainly discernible.

我们也暂时还无法确定是否有一个可识别和持续发展的趋势。It’s too soon to tell whether there is a discernible and sustainable pattern.

在我进行的简单探索中,我还发现这个系统的负载并不高。In my limited poking about, I have yet to see the system under a discernible load.

极光不遵从可识别的规程,即使直盯着它也难以捉摸。Elusive even when staring straight at it, the aurora follows no discernible schedule.

和普通的泥块不同,泥砖是一种十分紧实的材料。It is a dense material – different from surrounding soil – and therefore discernible.

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低纬度地区几乎不存在相关性。There seems no discernible correlation-ship for the low and the middle latitude regions.

在种子园的开花和传粉时,可以看出这一差异。The difference should be discernible in the time of flowering and pollination in orchards.

当然喝彩声不及科比,但是我们已经听不到明显的嘘声了。Not as loud as the applause for Kobe Bryant, but there were no discernible hisses or hoots.