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最后,我渴望练就温文尔雅的性情。Then, last of all, I desiderate urbanity.

文雅是一种你必须在内心拥有的品质。Urbanity is a quality you have to possess from within.

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费尔里具备一个训练有素的外交官的一切风度和优雅。Fearey had all the charm and urbanity of the trained diplomat.

费尔里具备一个训练有素的外交官的一切风度和优雅。Fearey had all the charm and urbanity of the trained diplomat.

这是一本看似自助的其实是一部关于21世纪城市化的著作。It's a monograph 21-century urbanity disguised as a self-help book.

我常常觉察到,在他温文尔雅的下面掩藏着一种恶意。I had always been aware of a frame of malevolence under his urbanity.

因为我们都熟知您的细心、您的儒雅、您的温情。Because we always know your circumspection, urbanity and your warm love.

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主席以他惯有的机智和文雅主持会议。The chairman presided over the meeting with his usual tact and urbanity.

城市性的研究是社会学家们城市研究的重要方面。The research in urbanity is an important aspect for the socialist to research the city.

但是,中国人由于遭受西方列强的欺辱已经养成了一种温文尔雅的心性。But to those who suffer from the brutalities of the West, Chinese urbanity is very restful.

在材质的选择上,尽可能体现一种硬朗的现代都市风格。On the choice that pledges in material, reflect a kind of hale contemporary urbanity as far as possible.

后乡村时代继承的关于城市性的理念不仅改变了原有的城市也改变了中国的整个景观。Post-vernacular inherited values about urbanity changed not only the city but also the whole landscape of China.

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西方报纸上的讣闻强调周总理的机智才学,他的温文儒雅,还有他的“实用主义”The western newspaper obituaries have stressed chou's intelligence, his urbanity and above all his "pragmatism".

她们疾走职场,信步人生,有世事练达的智慧,也有烂漫天真的赤子之心。They scurry workplace, wander in life, there are world urbanity of wisdom, also have brilliant naive pure heart.

自然被崇拜,而像弗兰肯斯坦这样代表科学和文雅的人被描绘得极端冷酷。Nature is idolized, while characters like Dr Frankenstein who represent science and urbanity are depicted as uniformly cruel.

中国人的美学思想在演变,随之改变的还有人们看待景观设计中的城市性和趣味性的观念。Mixed into in the evolution of the Chinese idea of beauty are people’s changing ideas of urbanity and good taste in landscape design.

在离太平洋海岸不远的哥斯达黎加瀑布,人们树上建立了一个全新的社区,在那里人们过着可持续发展的生活,远离网络,远离人类高度发达的文明。Not far off the Pacific coast in the Costa Rican jungle, a community has taken to the trees to craft a new, sustainable life off the grid and away from urbanity.

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公文写作蕴含着丰厚的审美品格,它以阳刚为经,以阴柔为纬,呈现出刚柔相济、气势雄浑、文质彬彬的和谐美。Official document writing contains rich aesthetic quality, in which masculine and feminine spirit lives in harmony and presents a beauty of grandeur and urbanity.

当代社会每个新的创意事物都吸引了他的想象力,并且影响着他对于互动、城市的律动、速度和光的研究。Every new creative breed in present-day society captures his imagination and influences his research and study on interaction, urbanity movement, speed, and light.

混合了新大陆的自信练达和欧洲的浪漫风格,蒙特利尔的魅力就在于它的古老情趣和现代诱惑。Blending a confident New World urbanity with the romance of its European flavor, Montreal's charm lies in its old-world atmosphere as well as its modern attractions.