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这一幅是公共马车遭到袭击Here's the attack on a stagecoach.

一辆马车半小时前曾经过这里。Stagecoach pass about half hour ago.

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驿马快信要比当时的公共马车快多了。The Pony Express was much faster than the stagecoach.

拉马车的是廿四头驴子。There were twenty-four donkeys pulling the stagecoach.

特别是灵峰夜景,灵岩飞渡堪称中国一绝。Lingfeng night in particular, China can be called Stagecoach ryong'am a must.

公共马车送信历时一月之久,而驿马快信则能在十日之内送到。A stagecoach took one month to deliver mail. A Pony Express rider could do it in ten days.

这条线路是早期的驿道,也许曾经被猎人和当时的居民使用。We followed an early stagecoach route that was probably also used by trappers and early settlers.

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在19世纪60年代是贸易站和俄勒冈小道上的马车驿站。It was a trading post and stagecoach station on the Oregon Trail in the1860's. Population, 19,050.

Stagecoach公司今天本打算进行两个小时测试,然而仅仅过了半个小时,测试工作就被迫终止。Stagecoach had intended to have two hours of tests this morning but had to stop after half an hour.

公共马车大亨安•格洛格的养子车祸后,在非洲医院的重症监护里。The adopted son of Stagecoach tycoon Ann Gloag is in intensive care in an African hospital after a car crash.

大巴的运营商Stagecoach公司本进行了为期两天的测试,并计划于8日清晨在蓝夫鲁郡和约克郡之间的河道上进行公开表演。Operators Stagecoach were carrying out a two-day test and demonstration of the bus between Renfrew and Yoker this morning.

你知道,有时,沃德,我觉得我们应该跳上驿站马车去西部,密苏里地区或者和那里相似的某个地方。You know, sometimes, Ward, I think we should just hop onto a stagecoach and go out west, Missouri territory or some place like that.

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骡子比牛快,例如,在1857年,一辆由六匹骡子拉的公共马车从独立的密苏里到圣达菲只用了20到25天时间,这一段距离有1200公里。Mules were faster. For example, in eighteen fifty-seven a stagecoach pulled by six mules took twenty to twenty-five days to travel from Independence, Missouri, to Santa Fe.