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啥事情都是循环往复滴。Everything is cyclical.

历史的发展是周期往复,螺旋上升的,历史的车轮不可阻挡。History is cyclical. The wheel turns.

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你的公司是短线或长线经营?Is your business seasonal or cyclical?

但是一流的食宿酒店是一个周期性的行业。But top-class accommodation is a cyclical game.

“这是周期性转变”,艾克森告诉我。"This is a cyclical turn, " Acouthan just told me.

由此看来,周期性股票的确是2008年的梦呓。In view of this, cyclical stocks in 2008 is balderdash.

但有没有可能这是结构性问题而非周期性问题?But might the problem be structural rather than cyclical?

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第一个经理象征循环性失业的情况。The first manager represents the case for cyclical unemployment.

但要牢记,你自身其实也是一只有循环周期的股票。But be sure you remember that what you own are indeed cyclical stocks.

有连续在这些原子之间的振荡周期。There is a continuous cyclical vibration among and between those atoms.

这也是造成其历史循环论的根本原因。This is also the fundamental reason for his cyclical theory of history.

社会财富和其人口之间的关系式周期性的。The connection between a society's wealth and itsdemographics is cyclical.

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以固定的时间片分配资源的循环复用技术。A cyclical multiplexing technique, allocating resources in fixed-time slices.

在论文中,米歇尔充分论证了目前的失业问题是非结构性的。In his paper, Mishel argues at length that the unemployment problem is cyclical.

对供应过剩的忧虑,仍是压制一个高度周期化行业市场人气的最大因素.Concerns about oversupply remain the biggest downer for a highly cyclical industry.

他还说,他们也没有把降雪对冰原的周期性影响计算在内。Nor did they factor in cyclical contributions to the icesheet from snowfall, he said.

回收工业经受不了市场价格的同期性激烈涨落。The recycling industry is particularly vulnerable to wild cyclical swings in the market.

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第三,各府粮价也呈现大致四年的周期性波动。Third, by and large a four-year cyclical movement is also observable in all prefectures.

从时间上看,地震有活跃期和平静期交替出现的周期性现象。From the time, the seismic active period and a period of quiet alternating cyclical phenomenon.

在这儿有点循环的意思,那么如何对N个元素中的左半部分进行排序呢?Now, it's kind of a cyclical argument here because how do you sort the left half of N elements?