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纸卷方式。Scroll Mode.

这是一个赢输的模式。A win-lose mode.

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单用户模式。Single-user mode.

退出恢复模式。Exit recovery mode.

一是领办实体模式。Set up entity mode.

在超频模式。In overclocking mode.

设置为飞机模式。Set airplane mode on.

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任意的振动模式。Of any vibrational mode.

选择蛮力模式。Select brute force mode.

低电流待机模式。Low-Current Standby Mode.

访问单用户模式。Access to single-user mode.

让我们为客户-1模式。Let it be -1 for client mode.

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重新评价方式。And in re-evaluation mode too.

练习模式是否得到了增强?。Is the practise mode enhanced?

二是指模式本身的立异之处。The second one is mode itself.

请确保处于基本模式。Make sure you're in basic mode.

打开文件在只读模式。Open the file in readonly mode.

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选择搜索并替换模式。Select search-and-replace mode.

西安交大模式。Xi'an Jiaotong University mode.

当年,它是一种生存模式。Back then, it was survival mode.