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但是现在起将会备受瞩目。It will now.

我们会眨眼。We will blink.

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有一些会犹豫。A few will balk.

我会十分简短。I will be brief.

我是威尔·卡尔森。I'm Will Colson.

这是我的遗嘱。This is my will.

真的,你能行。You really will.

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他才不会来呢。He will not come.

他决不能放弃不干。He will not quit.

我情愿先死给你们看!I will die first!

我会让你飞。I will let u fiy.

我会没数啊!I will not count!

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我先将它们调零。I will zero them.

它就会自己脱落。It will peel off.

如今你才真的死定了。Now you will die.

我们将会埋葬你。We will bury you.

男孩子毕竟是男孩子。Boys will be boys.

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但它能成规模吗?But will it scale?

他的尸体将腐烂。His body will rot.

我誓死保卫了你们。I will defend you.