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他们开怀大笑。They laughed heartily.

德芙妮为谁尽情丝滑?。DE daphne's silky heartily for who?

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我从心里喜欢和她们聊天。I heartily enjoyed talking to them.

我衷心地感激你的帮助。I am heartily grateful to your help.

我从内心里为我的仓促而害臊。I was heartily ashamed of my hastiness.

然后三个人狂笑起来。Then all three of them laughed heartily.

我衷心希望如今我们可以太平无事了。I hoped heartily we should have peace now.

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衷心感谢您的一片盛意。I heartily appreciate your great kindness to me.

观众向这位著名的钢琴家热情地鼓掌。The audience clapped the famous pianist heartily.

那人被伊利莎的笑声感染,也大声地笑了起来。The man caught up her laughter and echoed it heartily.

我的汽车修理师一看就开心地哈哈大笑起来。Whereupon my auto-repair man laughed heartily and said.

于是我们也就按时到达,真诚地去回应朋友的愿望。And that wish is heartily reciprocated. We duly turn up.

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告诉你,我自己也早已为那件事觉得难为情。I assure you that I have long been most heartily ashamed of it.

随后我听到一个人与佩吉在热情交谈,便走了过去。Then I heard a man talking heartily to her and went to the door.

“那真妙极了,”她的妹妹补充了一句,于是姐妹俩都纵情大笑。"That is capital, " added her sister, and they both laughed heartily.

除夕之夜,全家人团聚一起尽情玩耍。The New Year's Eve, the whole family reunites heartily plays together.

致辞之后进行了简短而热烈的剪彩仪式。The short yet heartily ribbon- cutting ceremony came after the speech.

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我必须再说一遍,我衷心佩服你老当益壮的侠义精神。I must say again that I heartily admire your gallantry and youthfulness.

这是保持你房子清洁的好方法,我衷心地推荐这个方法。It’s a simple way of keeping your house clean, and I recommend it heartily.

这反映出冯梦龙由衷地同情书中的这些主要人物。This reflects that Feng Menglong heartily sympathized with these protagonists.